docbook is only used to generate the man pages, which we don't use.
Disable it to prevent errors in the prepare stage when bulding on Debian
stretch and docbook-utils are installed:

    checking for docbook2man... docbook2man
    configure: error: Your local docbook2man was found to work with SGML rather
      than XML. Please install docbook2X and use variable DOCBOOK_TO_MAN to 
      configure to command docbook2x-man of docbook2X.
      Or use DOCBOOK_TO_MAN="xmlto man --skip-validation" if you have xmlto 
      You can also configure using --without-docbook if you can do without a man
      page for xmlwf.

Signed-off-by: Roland Hieber <>
 rules/host-expat.make | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/rules/host-expat.make b/rules/host-expat.make
index e28aabcd6..02d93f42d 100644
--- a/rules/host-expat.make
+++ b/rules/host-expat.make
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ HOST_EXPAT_DIR        = $(HOST_BUILDDIR)/$(HOST_EXPAT)
 HOST_EXPAT_CONF_TOOL   := autoconf
        $(HOST_AUTOCONF) \
-       --disable-static
+       --disable-static \
+       --without-docbook
 # vim: syntax=make

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