So I did an experiment with bash loadables (builtins).
Turns out bash has a bunch of builtin examples.

I had ptxdist build me a bash-5.2 for x86_64.
With the "loadables" make target.

$ diff -urN ../lib/ptxdist-2022.11.0/rules/bash.make rules/bash.make
--- ../lib/ptxdist-2022.11.0/rules/bash.make    2022-10-21 16:54:50.000000000 
+++ rules/bash.make     2022-11-08 12:51:38.609794625 +0100
@@ -77,6 +77,16 @@
        --$(call ptx/wwo, PTXCONF_BASH_CURSES)-curses
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Compile
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+       @$(call targetinfo)
+       @$(call world/compile, BASH)
+       @$(call compile, BASH, loadables)
+       @$(call touch)
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Since mkdir is slightly less than half of the external binary calls I had it 
I copied the scripts/lib/ to my build path
and created a shell-loadables directory there.

$ cp platform-secplatform-x86_64/build-target/bash-5.2/examples/loadables/mkdir 

$ ls -1  scripts/lib/shell-loadables/

$ diff -urN ../lib/ptxdist-2022.11.0/scripts/lib/ 
--- ../lib/ptxdist-2022.11.0/scripts/lib/  2022-10-21 
16:54:50.000000000 +0200
+++ scripts/lib/   2022-11-08 13:08:18.074550829 +0100
@@ -682,6 +682,8 @@
ptxd_install_file() {
     local cmd="file"
+    #export PS4='+[${EPOCHREALTIME}][${BASH_SOURCE}:${LINENO}]: 
${FUNCNAME[0]:+${FUNCNAME[0]}(): }'; set -x;
+    enable -f scripts/lib/shell-loadables/mkdir mkdir
     ptxd_install_file_impl "$@" ||
     ptxd_install_error "install_file failed!"

without mkdir builtin:
finished target

real    0m17,043s
user    0m13,522s
sys     0m4,138s

with mkdir builtin:
finished target

real    0m12,345s
user    0m9,899s
sys     0m2,916s

On 11/8/22 11:13 AM, Christian Melki wrote:

On 11/4/22 8:12 PM, Alexander Dahl wrote:
Hello Christian,

Am Fri, Nov 04, 2022 at 03:37:02PM +0000 schrieb Gieseler, Christian:

I have question regarding the speedup of daily work.

We have frontend and backend of our webgui deployed with separate packages. 
Only task of these package is to deploy the files with

@$(call install_tree, web-frontend, -, -, $(WEB_FRONTEND_DIR)/var-www/, 

Compile and install stages are empty. The just call targetinfo and touch to 
skip the stages.

The frontend depends on the backend and the backend obviously depends on our 
application which is called by the backend.
So our file looks like this:
## SECTION=project_specific

    select APP_LAYER
    select WEB_BACKEND
    prompt "e-mode Web Frontend"

As expected if i clean and compile APP_LAYER the targetinstallstage of Backend and 
Frontend are executed again. However this is only a Run-Time only dependency. It is a 
third-party archive and install_tree takes quite some time even on fast build hosts. Even 
it if is just a minute it is annoying to spend the time waiting during image creation. 
Trying to solve that i found "if RUNTIME"  für Run-Time only Dependencys in the 
documentation here:

So my expectation would be that if i change the file like this:

    select APP_LAYER    if RUNTIME
    select WEB_BACKEND   if RUNTIME
    prompt "e-mode Web Frontend"

That sounds reasonable and I would have done it the same.

The "if RUNTIME" would make sure that the targetinstall stage is not executed again if i just 
execute a "ptxdist clean app-layer" followed by a "ptxdist images". Same with ptxdist 
clean root; ptxdist images. It is clear that all targetinstall stages are executed again, but i would expect 
that the web-frontend is deployed earlier if no build dependency is given.

Am i missing something, oder is the "if RUNTIME" Switch not working properly in 
my ptxdist-2018.12 version? Or does it have no effect on targetinstall stages?

Not sure how that should behave.  However if you want to speed up the
build: make sure you call ptxdist with -q or --quiet parameter.  The
output on screen takes suprisingly much time, even with modern
terminals, and especially when doing targetinstall of many many files
(as usually the case with web frontends. been there, done that.)


I have a slight disagreement here. I don't think the console is slow.
So I did some investigation, mostly since the slowness bugs me too.
I did a:
${FUNCNAME[0]:+${FUNCNAME[0]}(): }'; set -x;
as time measurement and trace in the shellscript in question (mostly 
This pretty linear progressive cpu consumption, albeit the big chunks were due 
to calling of external binaries.

Then I did a timezone package clean and targetinstall.
When targetinstalling a zone there was calls to several binaries.

For one zone I had external calls to (in order):
echo, mkdir, printf(?), flock, ls, rm, mkdir, flock, mkdir, flock, mkdir, 
flock, mkdir, flock, mkdir, flock, mkdir, mkdir, mkdir, mkdir, mkdir, install, 
install, chmod, chmod, chown, echo.

Some of these could be internal builtins, but the consumed time suggested 
Either way. Each install took about 26 ms and I could account the majority of 
that time in forking external programs and waiting for them to return.

So my conclusion is: The whole thing is a bit slow and bash doesn't help.


Thanks for any feedback.

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