> Hi,
> > I'd be happy to get a bit of initial feedback on the approach. I'll
> > have a look at putting up some initial patches in the coming days too.
> >
> > Thanks in advance and best regards,
> Sorry for the silence around this, but I've been busy with other things in
> the last months.
> Finally managed to get something working, that integrates with the
> existing
> host-system-python3 handling. I'll be sending some patches right after
> this.
> Main open questions would be:
> - Currently HOST_SYSTEM_PYTHON3 and (the new)
>   packages need to be enabled manually through the "enable sbom report
>   generation" option in PTXdist options. Not sure if that is the right
> place
>   for it, or if there is a nicer way of handling it? (for instance, if
> it's
>   not enabled, 'ptxdist sbom-report' will just fail with a not-so-helpful
>   error message...)
> - It looks a bit like a local venv is being set up (in sysroot-host), but
>   I can't really figure out how to use it. A nice change could be to
> install
>   whatever host-system packages are needed in that venv automatically?
> Right
>   now the functionality requires users to manually install the required
>   python library with pip.
> Happy to hear of any input!
> Thanks in advance,
> Simon

Just bumping this in case it got lost over the last weeks. Would appreciate
any input, both on code and further process to move this ahead.
Thanks in advance!

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