I'm pretty sure it isn't easing - the easing string you are setting is
definitely working. It might be something to do with the way you're
replacing animations when adding new elements while old animations are
still running?


On Wed Nov 19 2014 at 12:16:19 PM Jonathan Moore <mo...@eds.org> wrote:

> The effect is most easily seen in this demo if you change the duration to
> be like 50 seconds:
>    http://0x0000.bitbucket.org/artifact/test.html
> What happens is that in the web animation version you get a accordion
> effect where the movement of the elements is not in sync. With the raf
> version this effect is not seen. I will try to isolate it tomorrow but I
> may have to move on to other things. It might end up being a bug in my code
> but it looks like a easing issue from my experience.
> On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 4:54 PM, Shane Stephens <sh...@google.com> wrote:
>> Hi Jonathan,
>> Chrome 39 implements easing. What was the problem you were seeing?
>> Thanks,
>>     -Shane
>> On Wed Nov 19 2014 at 11:28:26 AM Jonathan Moore <mo...@eds.org> wrote:
>>> I now have a mostly working ( chome 39 ) version of my lib using web
>>> animations. You can see a demo at:
>>>   http://0x0000.bitbucket.org/artifact/index.html
>>> I think the reason it is not quite working is that it looks like chrome
>>> 39 does not yet implement easing. If that is not true I will spend more
>>> time trying to figure out what is up.
>>> -Jonathan

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