Hi list,

Issue 2 of the motion-path specification requests more natural names for
‘auto’ and ‘reverse’. This is in the context of the motion-rotation
property: http://dev.w3.org/fxtf/motion-1/#motion-rotation.

A specification of ‘motion-rotation: auto’ causes the targeted element to
rotate so that its horizontal axis is aligned with the tangent to the
motion path. This matches the SVG definition for animateMotion elements’
rotate attributes:
http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/animate.html#AnimateMotionElement. (rotate=”auto”
has the same behavior).

‘motion-rotation: reverse’ causes the targeted element to rotate so that
its horizontal axis is aligned opposite to the tangent of the motion path.
This is specified in SVG as rotate=”auto-reverse”.

Additionally, motion-rotation takes an angle (by default, 0deg) which
applies on top of any automatic rotation.

Does anyone have suggestions for better names than ‘auto’ and ‘reverse’, or
do these names seem reasonable? Would it be best to align with SVG and use
'auto' and 'auto-reverse'?

It's also true that 'reverse' provides identical behavior to 'auto 180deg'.
Should we provide just 'auto', in the interests of brevity?


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