On 2015/07/01 11:31, Shane Stephens wrote:
SGTM, but should we go with 'id' instead of 'name' (which I think is
what we ended up deciding was best in the May 25th f2f)?

Yes, you're right.[1] I forgot about that. Thanks!

[1] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-fx/2015AprJun/0046.html

On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 12:07 PM Brian Birtles <bbirt...@mozilla.com
<mailto:bbirt...@mozilla.com>> wrote:


    Currently, Web Animations defines a 'name' attribute on
    KeyframeEffectReadOnly. I think this belongs on Animation.

    Rationale: We plan to define CSSAnimation.animationName and
    CSSTransition.transitionProperty largely for the purpose of identifying
    particular animations running on an element. These two properties are
    readonly. The 'name' property is intended to serve a similar purpose but
    for script-generated animations or when a mutable identifier is
    required. Hence it should live on the same object: Animation (from which
    CSSAnimation and CSSTransition derive).

    My proposal:

    * Remove 'name' from KeyframeEffect(ReadOnly)
    * Remove 'name' from KeyframeEffectOptions
    * Add 'name' to Animation as a writeable property
    * Optional: Extend the constructor for Animation to include a
        third argument, 'name'.

        Alternatively (and probably better), add an AnimationOptions
        dictionary with a single member 'name' and make that the
        third argument.

    * Optional: Add a KeyframeAnimationOptions dictionary that extends
        from KeyframeEffectsOptions and includes a 'name' member.

        Update the Animatable interface so that the animate method
        takes an options object whose type is:

          optional (double or AnimationOptions) options

    What do you think?


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