I concur these are issues. I like the way your thinking is going.

[image: photo]
*Rachel Nabors*
Web Animation Engineer
<http://twitter.com/rachelnabors>  <http://dribbble.com/rachelthegreat>

Curator of Web Animation Weekly <http://www.webanimationweekly.com>

On Wed, Nov 25, 2015 at 6:40 PM Brian Birtles <bbirt...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Web Animations defines Animatable.getAnimations() (where Animatable is
> implemented by Element and a forthcoming PseudoElement interface) and I
> think we've agreed to add Document.getAnimations() as well.[1]
> I've found two problems with the first method which I'm going to call
> Element.getAnimations() for now since PseudoElement doesn't exist yet.
> PROBLEM 1. Element.getAnimations() doesn't work on a subtree
> Recently I was working on a presentation where I wanted to use script to
> restart all the animations in a particular slide, represented by a
> <section> element.
> What I really wanted to do was something like:
>    section.getAnimations().forEach(anim => anim.currentTime = 0);
> However, Element.getAnimations() doesn't return animations from its
> descendants (unlike querySelectorAll, getElementById, etc.).
> To further complicate things, Document.getAnimations() *does* return
> animations from its desendants (or will, once it is specced).
> PROBLEM 2. getAnimations() relies too much on the order in which
> animations are returned
> Whenever you see code using getAnimations(), it almost always looks like
> this:
>    var anim = elem.getAnimations()[0];
> That's really brittle. If some style is added that causes a transition
> to fire on elem, you may end up getting the wrong result.
> Of course, you can go through all the animations returned from
> getAnimations() and test their animationName/transitionProperty
> attributes and make sure you get the right object, but most people won't
> bother.
> PROPOSAL: Add some options to getAnimations()
> At a minimum, I think we need:
> * transitionProperty - used to filter by 'transitionProperty' which is
>    only set on CSS transitions
> * animationName - used to filter by 'animationName' which is only set on
>    CSS animations
> * id - used to filter by 'id' which may be set on script-generated
>    animations
> * subtree - true means to fetch animations from descendents too (based
>    on the Mutation Observer API)
> It's not obvious to me what the default value of subtree should be. I'd
> say 'false' except that would prevent using the same options object on
> Document.getAnimations(). Perhaps true? Given that most people will use
> this on leaf nodes anyway, maybe that would be ok?
> It's also not clear if we should only inspect the transitionProperty on
> CSSTransition objects, or if script-generated objects that define their
> own transitionProperty should be considered too. I guess they should.
> Likewise for animationName and CSS Animations.
> Some usage patterns are bogus, e.g. passing subtree:false to
> Document.getAnimations() or specifying both transitionProperty and
> animationName (except in rare cases where script added these
> properties), but maybe that's ok.
> Example usage:
>    // Get the animation I just added
>    elem.style.animation = 'move 3s';
>    var anim = elem.getAnimations({ animationName: 'move' })[0];
>    // Get all transform transitions in this section
>    section.classList.add('move-in');
>    var transitions =
>      section.getAnimations({ transitionProperty: 'transform' });
> As you can see in the first example, we still have the '[0]' thing
> there. It's more safe now since we're only dealing with CSS Animations
> named 'move', but you could still get the wrong result and it's also a
> bit of an eyesore and pain to type.
> I wonder if it's worth following the querySelector/querySelectorAll
> pattern and having a pair of functions: getAnimation/getAnimations?
> In the singular, if there were multiple matches on the same element
> you'd return the one with the highest composite order[2] since that's
> most likely to be the one that you want. If you had multiple matches
> within a subtree, I'm not sure: tree order or composite order.
> Possible future extensions:
> * Parameters to get only CSS transition or only CSS animations?
> * Parameters to get all animations that affect certain properties? e.g.
>    all animations that affect either the 'opacity' property or
>    'visibility' property.
> These can be easily implemented using Array.filter() so there's no
> urgency for these.
> What do you think?
> Brian
> [1] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-fx/2015JulSep/0073.html
> [2] http://w3c.github.io/web-animations/#the-effect-stack

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