I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment of the American government today.

Since you endorse the American Constitution as the best ever written, perhaps you should look at an alternative view, written back in 1870 by a renowned American legal expert, Lysander Spooner.  His book "No Treason, Constitution of No Authority" can be found by a search at http://digital.library.upenn.edu/books/search.html.  Other writings by him there include treatises on Common Law and Trial by Jury.  In the latter he is very forthright about how the previously quite acceptable British Constitution had been subverted, even up to that time.

Incidentally, virtually every one of his complaints about the American Constitution was rectified in the Australian Constitution.  One point he raised, however, should definitely be addressed when we regain control of our government.

If you are interested in how the Court system has been subverted, roughly coinciding with the official advent of the Illuminati, you might find Brett Dawson's book interesting reading.  It is called "The Evil Deeds of the Ratbag Profession" and he can be contacted at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

John Harris

David Brooks wrote:

 At 07:34 PM 4/04/00 +1000, Joe Bryant wrote:

I am in agreement about the need for a fresh Constitution,

A constitution? There have been some good ones over the years but few have understood them. Take a look at the American one. And at all the amendments because the states could not understand the original.  The more you try to spell it out the more money the legal profession makes in stuffing it back up your nose and making a nonsense out of it.  The American constitution was possibly the best ever written. But look at them today. The biggest bunch of bully boys on the block, with the biggest criminal population in the world.(pa). Most of them black of course.

Todays news by Carr and Ryan make idiots of us all. DNA testing to be compulsory for everyone arrested and charged. And a refusal will get you a court order to comply. Who takes the sample? Why the corrupt NSW police force, led by Big Brothers chief enforcer Ryan.

There is no substitute for "vigilance" (Burke). Not all the writing in the world will stop a power hungry State Premier like Bob Carr.

David Brooks.


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