Thanks Colin, and I'll CC other lists, while admitting that all the GST
e-mail is getting like spam - my apologies!

I did read USE THE COMMON LAW ( 3 times and
think I got the drift.  I am also grateful for the reference to Project
Gutenberg and invite others to try it

Its good that the COMMON LAW is the law in this country.  But those who
ultimately decide its enforcement it also 'like it or lump it'.  In other
words they have abandoned the 'Rule of Law', for more and more arbitrary
enforcement of what suits their immediate needs.  Which gets back to the
question "How do the people revive the 'Rule of Law'?

INFORMED political ACTION like the GST Mandate is only one step, but if
successful it will be a very big 1st step.  Others, closely linked to the
GST, are needed to reverse 1998 rigged elections.  They include the
following extracted from my current flyer:

It is the Australian Electoral Commissioners' (AEC) duty to 'promote the
awareness of our electoral system'.  Instead decades of official betrayal
reached a new low in 1998, when the AEC announced they would not count votes
which refused to indicate preferences for either of the major parties, and
did indicate preferences against them.  These votes are still formal - and
can never be informal - but the AEC 'bribed' party officials with millions
of taxpayers dollars. This deception, blackmail and bribery are the
'Canberra Dodge'.

The truth (and the law) of 'Oztracism' and the 'Canberra Dodge' is simply
the legal requirement since 1917 for absolute majorities, plus these
essential facts:

One result of the above is that until we have a LEGALLY elected parliament,
the GST can be no more binding on us than the Electoral Act has been binding
the AEC!  In fact we have a duty to resist the GST as a means to restore
democracy and the law!

Just how we as individuals can bring back a legally elected parliament,
specially while exposed to government intimidation (& worse), depends on how
quickly we understand and spread this news.  A few opportunities follow.

Contact the parliamentry committee (JCEM) about its 1998 election Inquiry
This is the easiest and most urgent opportunity.  While its too late to make
more submissions, there is still time to call the JCEM secretariat on (02
6277 2374) or e-mail mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] and ask for both the report
plus the submissions and transcript.  Mention the AEC's own submission to
the previous (1996) inquiry, when it warned that 'in the absence of a
practical solution to the underlying policy contradictions, costly
litigation would continue, and citizens would continue to be misled and
confused about their rights and obligations in relation to full preferential

Whether JCEM Chairman Gary Nairn (02 6277 4939) and
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] will eventually do the honourable thing by
announcing the truth of 'Oztracism', and exposing (ex)Commissioner Bill Gray
and other perpetrators of the 'Canberra Dodge', could depend on how many
make this simple request.  The fact that the 1998 election report is still
being delayed is a good sign, and it is likely that more requests for its
report could be enough for it to expose AEC crooks.

Tell Gary (in person if you live in Eden-Monaro, where his margin collapsed
from 5.2% in 1996 to 0.2% - including 'Canberra Dodge' votes!) in 1998, that
suppression invites decent Australians to resist our ILLEGAL parliament and
ILLEGITEMATE government, and use any means approved by the UN to get REAL
tax reform instead of Canberra's GST!

The AEC's predicted litigation and continued (AEC-led confusion) of citizens
and particularly the JCEM is now on a massive scale.  One legal battle has
been Joe Bryant's challenge to the changes to the Electoral Act in July
1998.  By endorsing the AEC's illegal and illiterate argument that 'for'
means 'between', the Federal court upheld rigged elections (as predicted by
Albert Langer) when Joe's application for an injunction to stop the October
elections was heard on 30 September 1998.

Joe's Summons is still to be heard in the High Court, and we can be sure the
High Court will also want to dodge the truth, specially as the elections
were rigged nearly two years ago (and will be again if we acquiesce)!  If
the case proceeds under enough public scrutiny Albert Langer's prediction
and the GST may yet be confounded.  There is more on this in the JCEM
submissions.  Also you can call Joe on (02) 9826 1337 or e-mail him
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  We may even be able to get a class action, and
it would be great if we can fill the public gallery in Canberra, and somehow
get media coverage.

Apart from Joe Bryant and his High Court challenge, there is a growing army
of individuals and organisations working to restore democracy and bring REAL
tax reform.  GST petition/mandate organisers can develop the GST connection
with illegal elections like Langer did when his advertisement was headlined
'Who cares when they impose a GST?'.

A few Queensland contact details are listed.  Please at least call one of
them to learn more, and and ask or suggest what you can do.
· Chris Morris (Australia United)               07 3284 9558
· Tony Murphy (NFIB/INdBIZ)                     07 3257 7277
· Len Clampett (GST Mandate organiser)  07 3891 9560
· John McRobert (Tax Reform Ltd)                07 3229 6366
· Jock Wallace (Debit Tax Association)  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
· Jess Perez (GST removal web-site)             07 3855 1579
· Gavin Scott-Lawson                            07 3209 9601
· Jim Stewart (More Accountable Democrats)07 3397 4420

Regards, and looking forward to your reply - by phone is fine

Jim Stewart
Phax: (07) 3397 4420 (Messagebank)
Mobile: 04 1427 4420 (voice-mail)

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