News Report Issue 86
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a
revolutionary act."
George Orwell
1. Thought for the day - Neil Baird
2. Request:
3. Opinion:  No social coalition in Batam, Indonesia - Antonia Feitz
4. Opinion:  More SOCOG stupidity - Antonia Feitz
5. Opinion:  Thanks for nothing, Wendy McCarthy - Antonia Feitz
6. Opinion:  Feminist Myth making - Antonia Feitz
7. Opinion:  Homosexual ignorance - Antonia Feitz
8. Article:  Supercivilisation and its discontents - Alvin & Heidi Toffler - Forwarded by George Newnham
9. Life Sciences: Environmentalists alarmed over giant GM Fish - Forwarded by John Massey
10. Feedback: Death threats to Pauline Hanson - Forwarded by Gweilo
11. Feedback: Diesel or Distillate - Denis Cartledge
12. Feedback: An Australian Apology - Kerry Spencer Salt
13. Feedback: Northern Ireland Protesters in Sydney - Forwarded by Welf Herfuth
14. Feedback: National Parks. A Peoples asset or not? - Kerry Spencer Salt
15. Feedback: ATSIC Planned Protests at the Olympics - Forwarded by Gweilo
16. Feedback Contacts:
17. Editorial Policy:
Please note that there will be not issue tomorrow, Sunday. There is enough reading material today to last both days.
1. Thought for the day:
"Every adversity, every failure and every heartache carries with it the Seed of an equivalent or a greater benefit", (Napoleon Hill - Think & Grow Rich. pp.74)
2. Request:
For this online news report to be ultimately effective it must grow to such a size that it and the ideas it espouses can't be ignored. So do your bit and help circulate it far and wide. If we are to challenge the elites (the Packers and the Murdochs) view of history, politics, economics, the environment, the structure of society etc., then we are going to have to do more than wait. We are going to have to be very active and vigilant. We have given you one of the tools (information & a medium for comment) you will need. Help us to help you. Lets fan the flames of knowledge. Spread the word. Editor.
3. Opinion:
No social coalition in Batam

On April the 1st, the Indonesian government imposed a 10 per cent VAT and a luxury tax in the free trade zone of Batam island. Though foreign investment companies were assured they will receive refunds after they've shown proof that they've exported their products, 67 of them have decided to leave and set up in Singapore, just 19 ks away.

Business simply refuses to pay any tax. Needless to say, thousands of locals have protested at the VAT which they of course have no choice but to pay. No doubt the Batam local newspaper brags about their booming economy too. It's the same all over the world: people don't count any more other than to be tax milch cows.


4. Opinion:
More SOCOG stupidity

These days, everybody has to do performance appraisal reviews. So how come the stooges of SOCOG still have a job? Though they continue to make blunder after colossal blunder, they still manage to keep their well-paid jobs.

The latest fiasco was their decision to limit the remaining 3.1 million Olympic tickets to Visa card holders, thus excluding everybody who didn't have a Visa card. A six year old could have told them this was a very stupid idea, guaranteed to create even more public anger at the board's incompetence.

Yet even after the ACCC intervened and told them to draw up a new plan, SOCOG board members were angry at the intervention. One said, "What are we supposed to do? Start messing around with cheques and money orders again? (Australian 13/4/00). How's that for arrogance! SOCOG doesn't want to deal with the sort of rabble who use cheques and money orders.

Weren't the Sydney Olympic Games supposed to be the people's games?


5. Opinion
Thanks for nothing, Wendy McCarthy

Australia's femocrats gathered at Sydney's SH Ervin Gallery
last Monday for the launch of a book by Wendy McCarthy. The accepted feminist myth is that McCarthy and her mates blazed a trail of freedom for Australian women who were allegedly oppressed by domesticity.

It's a lie. While Wendy and her gang were busy playing politics around their kitchen tables, moaning about how oppressed they were, out in reality land in the Western suburbs of Sydney, migrant women were already working in the factories in the then genuinely booming Australian economy. So much for the trail-blazing.

Back then, mothers had a choice to work or not, as Australia had a family friendly tax system where children and all the expenses connected with raising them were tax deductible. It must seem incredible to younger readers, but in the feminist-derided fifties and sixties, a bread-winner with a wife and three children paid virtually no tax until his income was equivalent to $54,000 in today's money (Dr Lucy Sullivan, "Tax Injustice: Keeping the Family Cap in Hand", 1998).

Unlike today, most families were genuinely independent. The likes of McCarthy deliberately destroyed that socially beneficial state of affairs and reduced families to their current impoverished and dependent state. Thanks to the pioneering work of Wendy and Co, most families now receive government welfare, which is just a return of some of the tax unjustly taken from them in the first place.

Thanks for nothing, Wendy McCarthy. Australia's families do not bless you.

6. Opinion
Feminist myth-making

Feminist myths have been uncritically swallowed hook, line and sinker
by the younger generation. For example the male reporter on the book launch wrote the following about McCarthy, "... she belongs to a generation that was expected to receive only minimal education in preparation for due marriage and motherhood." (Australian, 13/4/00)

That is also a lie. McCarthy and her mates even disproved it in their own lives: they were all tertiary educated. The myth conveniently ignores the fact that at the time, the majority of boys and girls left school aged 15-16 to do trade, business or clerical courses. Until scholarships became more widely available, only the children of the wealthy and the upper classes - boys and girls - enjoyed the luxury of tertiary education.

I have a collection of obituaries of women, and their lives give the lie to this feminist myth that girls were denied education. Take Elsie Abrahams, 1910-2000. She was the second of four children, three of whom, including herself, became doctors. She won a senior government scholarship to study science at the University of Melbourne and became a distinguished pathologist.
Or take Bessie Mitchell, 1906-1998, who was a great headmistress of Cheltenham Girls' High School. She too had been a brilliant student winning bursaries and scholarships. Another renowned headmistress was Betty Archdale. In 1929, she graduated from McGill University in Canada with first class honours in economics and political science. Then she read law at the University of London.

These obituaries of women who were contemporaries of Wendy McCarthy's mother clearly demonstrate the inanity of claiming that women of McCarthy's generation were denied education. But as far as most journalists are concerned, mindlessly parroting  propaganda beats having to think critically any day.

7. Opinion:
Homosexual ignorance

Last year, as part of the International Year of Older Persons, Rockhampton City Council staged a Grey Mardi Gras. But when the Council tried to register the name as a trademark it met with a rebuff: the organisers of the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Debauch - oops, Mardi Gras objected. The president of the Sydney Mardi Gras absurdly claimed the phrase 'Mardi Gras was "very much associated with the Sydney Mardi Gras which has been operating since 1978." (Australian,13/4/00).

Talk about parochialism! Somebody ought to explain to this clown that the phrase 'Mardi Gras actually belongs to the Christian tradition. The phrase is French for 'Fat Tuesday', and refers to the last day before the penitential season of Lent which begins on Ash Wednesday. Mardi Gras is akin to Pancake Tuesday, so called from the custom of using up all your eggs before the Lenten fast (Orthodox Russians still abstain from all dairy products during Lent and then feast on their magnificent Easter cake called pashka and kullich - a cholesterol bliss-out). Christians' carnival and merry-making climaxed on Mardi Gras after which they knuckled down to the six weeks of fasting and penance in Lent, which was a time of bodily and spiritual renewal for the great feast of Easter.

It's simply ludicrous for homosexuals to claim "intellectual rights" to the phrase 'Mardi Gras.

8. Article
Supercivilization and its Discontents By Alvin and Heidi Toffler
A profound shift of geopolitical power lies ahead, one that will dominate the century to come--and it has hardly been noticed, let alone analysed. This massive change will trigger turbulence around the globe, with a high potential for violence. To prevent or mitigate such effects, we need to understand the framework of geopolitical power as it takes shape in the 21st century. Think of it as a master conflict of supercivilisations.
A civilisation is an entire, all-encompassing way of life; a Supercivilisation might be described as a way of life that is shared widely across cultures, languages, religions, ethnic groups, and states. And while many civilisations have risen and fallen throughout history, there have, so far, been only two supercivilisations.
The first one arose eight to ten millennia ago with the invention of agriculture. Based on peasant labor, it created enough economic surplus to support villages and towns, a deeper division of labor, and the rise and elaboration of the state. While there are many variations of agrarian life, the daily world of peasants, whether in China, Chiapas, or Chad, has certain constants: heavy physical labor, seasonal rhythms, sporadic food shortages, large patriarchal and multigenerational families, minimal education, and relatively short life spans.
The Supercivilization of Today
In the last two or three centuries, agrarian civilisation has been all but overwhelmed in the developed and developing world by urban industrial civilisation. Based on mass production, mass consumption, mass media, and mass education, this second Supercivilisation has brought with it new institutions: representative (or pseudo-representative) democracy, the rise of national markets, the assembly line, the automobile, the nuclear family, new art forms, and a largely secular culture. It has swept across languages, countries, cultures, and religions.
We find common lifeways in all the world's industrial cities, from Sao Paulo to Seoul and Tehran to Tokyo. Among the millions of commuters muttering about rush-hour traffic, we find members of just about every religion and sect. Indeed, urban industrial people typically have more in common with one another, across cultural and religious lines, than they do with their peasant co-religionists. Everywhere, a wide cultural and economic gap separates city people from rural villagers.
Wherever countries have modernised, conflicts have erupted between the traditional agrarian elites, whose wealth and power derived from the land, and the rising commercial / industrial elites clamouring for changes that threatened the pocketbooks and values of agrarian interests. This master conflict between the two supercivilisations gave rise to derivative conflicts over everything from religion (19th-century French anticlericalism) to slavery (the American Civil War).
In country after industrialised country, we still find rural-urban differences in values, political representation, economics, and other issues. In the European Union, one of the sharpest political conflicts has to do with agricultural subsidies, which still get roughly 50 percent of the entire E.U. budget (contrast this with the meagre funding for advanced manufacturing, information technology, and scientific research).
The Supercivilization of Tomorrow
Today a new Supercivilisation is pushing, elbowing, swaggering--some would say bullying--its way onto the world stage, threatening both the agrarian and industrial supercivilisations.
This third Supercivilisation will soon give billions of people the power to communicate with one another, whether to buy and sell goods, create art, organise political protests, invent new religions and ideologies, engage in terrorism, learn how to make biological or chemical weapons, or create or alter life-forms.
This Supercivilisation already reaches across religious and ethnic boundaries, beginning in Silicon Valley, with its melange of Catholic, Buddhist, Protestant, Hindu, Jewish, Confucian, and secular entrepreneurs. It is implanted in Confucian Singapore, Buddhist-Shinto-Christian Japan, and Muslim-Confucian Malaysia. While its hotbed is the United States, it has planted spores from Bangalore to Beijing and Brazil.
And once again, as in the past, the creators and inhabitants of this latest Supercivilisation share more with one another, even at a distance, than with members of the two older supercivilisations. They may have more in common with an e-mail contact in Vancouver or Hong Kong than with the blue-collar worker next door--let alone the peasant left behind in one of history's backwater regions.
Software moguls, investors, knowledge workers, scientists, computer gurus, entrepreneurs, and entertainment providers--and the hackers and crackers who prey on them--form the core of a new way of life.
Nothing in history or in the future is inevitable. The drive toward this new way of life could somehow be stopped cold. But right now, at its dawn, the most likely scenario is the further development and rapid spread of this new culture.
The new Supercivilisation, arriving at hyperspeed and with powerful new technologies at its command, holds open the possibility of breaking the yoke of poverty on the planet within decades. But it bears as well the potential for a new master conflict and a host of derivative struggles.
The clashes of these three contrasting ways of life will be as global as are trade and foreign direct investment and the Internet. How should the fast-emerging knowledge-based Supercivilisation of tomorrow interface with the lifeways of yesterday? How might we minimise the conflicts that face us? This question, still largely unasked, will find its way onto the screen of every world leader--indeed, every alert human being--in the decades to come. The answer will determine just how much turbulence and bloodshed the world experiences in the century ahead as we make the transition from a bisected to a trisected geopolitical system on the planet.
Copyright of "Supercivilization and its Discontents" is the property of Civilisation. Content provided by EBSCO Publishing. © 1999-2000 Inc.
9. Opinion:
Environmentalists alarmed over giant GM fish - UK

Can we please have the assurance of the Community Liaison Committee that no freaky fish research will be permitted at the UQ / CSIRO Institute of Molecular Bioscience at St Lucia, now or in future?

John Massey
St Lucia Residents' Association
email address:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Environmentalists alarmed over giant GM fish

UK: April 13, 2000

LONDON - Environmentalists warned on Tuesday that genetically modified fish which can grow 10 times faster than normal could taint the gene pool and upset the delicate balance of nature.

The latest alarm bells about what critics call "Frankenstein Foods" were sounded after a U.S firm - AF Protein - engineered GM fish which could cut the cost of raising salmon and trout by half.

Both British and U.S. environmentalists said more tests were needed before the fish are served up on dinner plates. GM proponents say the technology could help feed the developing world, cut costs and reduce the need for pesticides.

Detractors say the health risks of the fledgling technology are unclear and the environmental hazards potentially alarming.


British supermarkets are wary of stocking GM food due to deep-seated consumer fears about their safety and most leading chains have now pulled such produce from their shelves.

AF Protein is reported to have inserted growth hormone genes from one fish and genes from another fish, which can activate them, into Atlantic salmon.

It says the technology is precise enough to be sure that only genetically modified fish can produce the growth hormone. It also made sure that all its "guinea pig" fish are infertile. But Andrew Kimbrell, from the Washington-based Centre For Food Safety, said: "It is not possible to ensure 100 percent of the fish are sterile."

He told BBC Radio: "Once you have an organism out there, you can't recall it. It reproduces, it disseminates, it mutates. "We have low probability, admittedly, but very high consequences if a few of those fish do escape and they do mate with native wild populations, no one, nothing, ."can stop that genetic pollution from destroying that species

British environmentalists were equally concerned, echoing the anger they vented last year when details were revealed about similar experiments being done in Scotland.

Christopher Poupard, director of the Salmon and Trout Association which lobbies on behalf of game anglers, said: "Salmon are unique and highly complex. They migrate thousands of miles and still manage to return to their home river. This has evolved since the last ice age."

He said environmentalists share the same concern: "Escaped GM fish might breed with wild fish and interrupt that process." AF Protein are said to be confident that U.S. authorities would clear the fish for human consumption within a year.

AF Protein President Elliot Entis said toxicological tests were unnecessary. "There is no level at which you could examine our fish and find any difference between our fish and the non-GM fish," he told BBC Radio.


Environmental groups reacted angrily last year to news that Britain had allowed experiments in Scotland to create GM salmon.

Details of the so-called "Franken-fish" experiments emerged when Scottish Secretary John Reid told parliament that thousands of fish were given an extra gene to make them grow faster.

The experiment took place three years ago in a confined, land-based area to prevent the fish from escaping into the wild. "Approximately 50 of the fish grew at four times the normal rate with no sign of abnormalities. The project was terminated after approximately a year and all the fish were destroyed," Reid said. He denied that the tests were kept secret

Story by Paul Majendie
Forwarded by
John Massey
10. Feedback:
Death threats to Pauline Hanson

Police probe Hanson death threats

AAP -- Police had investigated two potential assassination attempts One Nation founder Pauline Hanson, One Nation senator Len Harris said today.

Senator Harris said most people did not realise the extent to which Ms Hanson was threatened during her time in parliament.

"In reality, there were two public appearances where the federal police had substantial evidence that there was going to be an attempt made on her life," Senator Harris told the John Laws radio show. "That was on two public occasions. "I think it's appropriate now that people are aware of the threat and also that people are aware of the courage that Pauline has, in that knowing all of this is behind her to still have the courage to walk out in public," he added.

Senator Harris said the police followed up the threats. "Oh yes, my word, very very much so," he said. "There was a lot more security."

One Nation is considering legal action over a telemovie screened last Sunday night on Sydney community station Channel 31 which depicted Ms Hanson's assassination. The 69-minute movie, The Lone Gun Theory, showed Ms Hanson being stalked and then shot by a gangster in a bid to redeem his soul.

Director Bob Short has denied it was offensive or overly violent. On Tuesday, the Australian Broadcasting Authority (ABA) said it had received no complaints about the program.

Senator Harris, who has not seen the movie, said he had not spoken to the ABA yet but it was one of the avenues One Nation would explore. He said his initial reaction was to raise the issue in parliament.

"We are also very, very clearly looking at our legal option," he said. He said these days, legal action was the only way to stop the amount of rhetoric and vilification of which Ms Hanson was a target, referring to a song and video which had attacked her.

He said there were two objections to the movie, one being the level of obscene violence it depicted. "But then the second one is that very, very quiet underlying psychology of  if you put it out there and there is somebody who is looking for notoriety or something like that, they will go off and run with it," he said.

"That's the real danger."

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11. Feedback:
Diesel or Distillate?
Dear Neil

I refer to your article on Diesel or more accurately Distillate, a couple of years ago I saw an article on TV about a group of people travelled around the US in bus that was distillate powered.  The thrust of the whole documentary was that this bus was powered by used fat (oil) they collected the used fat from Fish and Chipperies cleaned out all the dead fish and chip bits so that it was relatively pure and clean and filled ''er up and drove off.

The only downside they said was the faint odour of frying fish and chips wherever they went.  So maybe we could have a Pauline Hanson led energy crisis buster.  The media in their "Pauline frenzy" days used to make a lot of her business of running a fish and chip shop.

Another item of interest is that Distillate is an early by-product of the petroleum refining process and it emerges from the "goo" earlier than a lot of other products, so it is cheaper to produce.

Yet another interesting item, I noticed that when I was in New Zealand nearly two months ago that the cost of distillate was about half that of petrol!  So, as a former Prime Minister would say "Cop that scumbags!" Unfortunately we are copping it!


Denis Cartledge
12. Feedback:
An Australian Apology!
At 06:06 PM 14/04/00 +1000, (News Report Issue 85) George wrote:
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2000 3:10 PM

"This item was broadcast on Radio 4RO (Rockhampton) last Friday morning, read by the program director. We would Encourage writing of formal complaints to the station, and publicising this as an example of disgusting broadcast policy."

All I can do it congratulate the Radio Station for telling the truth. Aboriginal life expectancy in 1788 was only thirty five years; it is now fifty. Another way of looking at the life expectancy issue then is that the black encounter with Western civilisation, white medicine and hospitals has left them with double the life expectancy of their  'walkabout' heritage

There is no doubt white Australians have a lot to be proud about in our treatment of aborigines! We have given over $ 20 billion to aid the Aboriginals "escape poverty".  We should add here that Australians have paid to buy back land and give it to the Aboriginals; some 50 % of the land mass of the Northern Territory is owned by Aboriginals. But this has not ended the need for reconciliation which always is commensurate with more donations from the public purse.

Somehow you get the feeling that if you gave the Aboriginals the whole of the Northern Territory they would still not escape "escape poverty". But is does pose a question,


Kerry Spencer-Salt
13. Feedback
Northern Ireland Protesters In Sydney

Hi Neil
Just thought you might find this article interesting. OK I know that they are lefties, but it is censorship as well. By the way you should sign up with the leftlink. Doesn't cost anything, but you are keeping up to date what is happening on the left.
Australian Aid for Ireland (NSW Branch) PO Box 2363, Smithfield NSW 2164

Fact sheet on political censorship of 20 March protest

Two dozen New South Wales cops moved quickly on 20 March 2000 to threaten a dozen members and supporters of Australian Aid for Ireland (AAI)
with arrest if they didn't surrender banners and signs protesting British rule in Northern Ireland at the official welcome ceremony for Queen Elizabeth at the Opera House. The English queen was on a 16-day visit.

The cloth banners read "British troops out of Ireland" and "Blair! Honour the Good Friday Agreement!" Placards included: "Release all political prisoners", "Disband the RUC", "Justice for Rosemary Nelson & Pat Finucane" and "Bloody Sunday 1972: Truth & Justice now!". Within a few minutes the police succeeded in confiscating the banners and signs. The placards were destroyed but the banners were returned to protest organisers after the queen's departure for Darling Harbour.

The peaceful, legal protest had been publicised the day before at the annual St. Patrick's Day parade, with AAI members carrying the same banners and placards in a well-received contingent. A news release announcing the protest was faxed to the media on 17 March. AAI members had received notification of the plan to protest some weeks earlier.

Constable Lee McCarthy of the City East Target Action Group was challenged by two protesters holding the "troops out" banner as to what law was being broken when he demanded they take the banner down.
McCarthy backed off to consult with higher-ups, saying, "I'll give you two minutes". When he returned, he confiscated the banner and said, "My commander has told me that no material on Northern Ireland is permitted here today". McCarthy identified the commander as Inspector David Darcy. Shortly after, the other banner and the placards were confiscated. At no time did anyone associated with the AAI protest violate any law, nor were any AAI members or supporters charged with anything.

AAI raises funds for Irish political prisoners and educates on the truth about the Irish freedom struggle. The group helped organise the historic visit of Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams and other Sinn Fein leaders to Australia in early 1999. Adams had been refused a visa by the Australian government for more than two years.

In a 21 March statement, State Labor MP Paul Lynch called the police actions "quite outrageous ... a substantial attack upon our democratic traditions of free speech. What on earth do these police think gives them the right to become political censors of which banners or placards can be displayed.... The NSW Police Service should not be playing the role of 'thought police'. This sort of behaviour by the police cannot be tolerated."
Lynch has written to the minister for police, Labor MP Paul Whelan, protesting over the incident. According to a report in the 23 March Sydney Morning Herald concerning the incident, a spokesperson for Minister Whelan told the paper that Lynch's complaint "had been referred to the Police Service for investigation".

For more information contact: Marnie Kennedy on 0412 723 110 or Paddy Gorman on 0418 116 426.

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Welf Herfuth
I must admit that while I don't personally agree with the politics of the protest, I believe that in a democratic country, people have the right to protest & free assembly, which are two of the basic elements of a free society. Take away these rights for any law abiding groups of citizens, and the whole body politic is diminished.
All news report readers should email their Federal MP and let them know your point of view.  Today it is Australian Aid for Ireland (AAI), tomorrow it could just as easily be One Nation.
14. Feedback:
National Parks. A Peoples Asset or not?
I received the following from an American in my email group. It details the real effect of the closing down of the American National Parks. For those that study the Australian situation it is comparable to the  'beginning' moves of the Australian environmental chess game.

It is only an opinion piece but is demonstrative of the motives and agenda behind the New World Order control of our government structures. I have edited to keep it to a suitable length.

Environmentalists  to Turn Yosemite Into Their Own Private Playground

Wednesday, April 12, 2000

This administration has gotten away with so many "explanations" that insult the public's intelligence that they are now routinely using excuses that would not stand up under even a momentary scrutiny. The latest example is the Interior Department's plan to radically restrict the public's access to Yosemite National Park.

Supposedly this is because of automobile congestion and a lack of parking space. But the Clinton administration's plans include eliminating roadways and parking lots within the park. Who else would have the brass to say that they are going to relieve congestion by closing miles of roads and relieve overcrowded parking by eliminating more than a thousand parking spaces? 

Since what they say makes no sense if you stop and think about it
, even for a minute, obviously they do not expect the public to stop and think about it. Equally obviously, they are doing what they are doing for some other reason that cannot be honestly discussed.  This plan is a big election-year sop to the environmentalists, who have for years been trying to restrict the general  public's access to Yosemite and other national parks. 
It was no accident that leaders of the Wilderness Society and other environmentalists stood alongside Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt as he announced this new plan. Over the years, everything from hysterical rhetoric to misleading photographs have been used to create a "crisis" atmosphere about "overcrowding" in Yosemite.

What the Sierra Clubbers and their ilk would like is a place where the unwashed masses are kept out and the environmentalists are let in. For example, the stables in Yosemite Valley are to be eliminated, but visitors will be free to bring their own horses. If you think the average citizen is going to have his own horse, then you have no idea how much it costs to keep a horse.
All the various plans that environmentalists and their political allies have floated over the years would keep out automobiles, thereby keeping out many families with children, many elderly people and many ordinary working stiffs who cannot spare the time for backpacking or rock-climbing expeditions or the money to buy a horse. 

What the environmentalists want is for Yosemite National Park to cease being a national park and to become their own private reserve, though paid for by the taxpayers. Selfishness is not a new human failing. What is galling is total selfishness masquerading as altruistic concern for others.

As someone who has visited Yosemite at least once a year for more than 20 years, I have never seen the "crisis" proportions of "overcrowding" portrayed in political propaganda and by the environmentalists and their allies in Washington.... This long political battle to restrict the general public's access to national parks that their taxes pay for is all too typical of what to expect when government resources are being made available below cost.... Environmentalists are trying to turn them into their private property on the cheap by keeping others out.
Forwarded by
Kerry Spencer Salt
15. Feedback:
ATSIC Protests at the Olympics

AAP -- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commissioners had not ruled out financially supporting Olympic protests, ATSIC deputy chairman Ray Robinson said today.

The ATSIC board this week agreed to support peaceful indigenous demonstrations and marches in September during the Sydney Olympics.

But whether that support would include money had not been decided. "We haven't decided yet. And we're not going to encourage that, because ATSIC's budget is limited at the moment, and we've got other important issues to deal with," Mr Robinson told AAP.

ATSIC would provide whatever support was requested, as long as the protest was peaceful. "Whichever way those people who come to us want us to  (support them)," Mr Robinson said. "We first have to look at their agenda and see if the protest is peaceful and if they're peaceful, we'll go down that track."

But ATSIC Sydney commissioner Charles Perkins, who predicted fiery protests after the government denied the existence of the stolen generation, said financial support was not an option.

"ATSIC wouldn't be able to do that. It wouldn't be within their charter," he said. "But they're there to support the general principle of the democratic right to protest - that's as far as they go."

ATSIC was not choosy about what non-violent demonstrations it supported. "If they want to protest about living conditions of Aboriginal people or high mortality rates or native title, we say go in and do it, just make it peaceful," Mr Perkins said.

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Let us know what you think. Feedback is important. Comments on articles read would be of value. Do you agree / disagree? Can you add more or a different perspective. Your contributions are greatly appreciated.
Send this email on to as many as you can. The more that read it the merrier. In time email communication will make government censorship impractical and the newspapers will have to start reporting it as it really is, rather than the smoke and mirrors tricks they currently indulge in, or loose readership, and therefore advertising monies. While we have a long way to go before that happens, each epic journey must start with a single step.
Lets go to it.

Neil Baird
Antonia Feitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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