Zimbabwe: Liberal Consequences
by Dr. William Pierce


Today let's talk about liberalism. Let's look at what this disease of
the soul is doing to one group of our people. Let's look at the
consequences of liberalism in a country  in the southeastern part of the
continent of Africa, a country which until 20 years ago was known as
Rhodesia and today is called Zimbabwe.

The reason Rhodesia is called Zimbabwe today is that in 1979 the
Rhodesians, under intense diplomatic and economic pressure brought to
bear against them by liberals in America and Europe -- and to be
completely honest about it, showing some symptoms of the disease
themselves -- decided  to let Blacks vote for the next government of
Rhodesia. Since there were at that time six million Blacks living in
Rhodesia and only 275,000 White Rhodesians, this was in effect a
decision by the Rhodesians to commit collective suicide. Some of them
realized that fact at the time, but most didn't, because, as I just
mentioned, they were showing some early symptoms of liberalism. Today
most of the few Rhodesians who are left realize that they made a fatal
mistake 21 years ago. But before we get to the Rhodesian situation
today, let's just remember a little history.

Early in the 19th century people from the British Isles first began
farming and mining operations in the part of Africa north of the Limpopo
River and south of the Zambesi River: an area which later became
Rhodesia. Murderous forays by Blacks were a problem during the 19th
century, even though they more often were intent on murdering and eating
each other than on killing the White settlers, but eventually the Whites
taught the Blacks to behave themselves. By the beginning of the 20th
century the Rhodesian highlands were being farmed on a significant scale
by White settlers.

The Rhodesian highlands, with their almost European climate and fertile
soil, weren't of much interest to the jungle-acclimated Blacks, but the
Whites found the area ideal, and in the period between the two World
Wars they built a thriving country, not only with farming and mining,
but also with gleaming cities and a number of industries. After the
Second World War, many veterans from England migrated to Rhodesia. The
Rhodesian population was certainly a cut above that in Europe: taller,
fairer, leaner, more enterprising and energetic on the average. Look at
photographs taken in Salisbury or on Rhodesian farms. The Rhodesian
women especially were tall and blond and beautiful. Rhodesia was a good
place to live, a good place to raise White children.

But of course, there was a worm in the apple. A wave of liberalism was
sweeping over Europe after the war. Liberalism had defeated fascism. The
corpses of millions of liberalism's opponents were rotting in mass
graves all over Europe, after they had been machine-gunned, hanged,
starved to death at the end of the war. Other millions of the opponents
of liberalism were being worked to death in slave-labor camps behind the
Iron Curtain. Liberalism was triumphant. And even in happy, sunny
Rhodesia the malignant influence of liberalism made itself felt. The
liberals in Europe were screaming about the evils of White colonialism
and White imperialism. The White man was oppressing and exploiting the
Brown man in India and the Black man in Africa, and it had to be
stopped. After all, we were all equal. Race was an inconsequential
detail, only a matter of skin color and nothing else. To think otherwise
was to be a "fascist," a "racist." We had just won a horribly bloody war
in order to exterminate the "fascists" and the "racists." It was
intolerable that we should permit "racist" policies to govern our
colonies in Africa. The Blacks must be give the vote. We must step down
and hand everything over to our Black "equals."

This insanity even had its proponents in Rhodesia, especially in the
Christian churches there. Most Rhodesians at that time were in no mood
for giving their country away, despite all of the liberal propaganda.
After all, it was their country. They and their ancestors had built it.
Despite the influx of immigrants still arriving from England, most
Rhodesians had been born in Rhodesia and had lived there all their
lives. And they knew what the Blacks were like. They knew that the
differences between Whites and Blacks involved infinitely more than skin
color. Furthermore, they knew that they were not oppressing the Blacks,
who actually were much better off since the arrival of Whites. The
Blacks greatly preferred an occasional lashing by a White farmer when
they didn't work hard enough to being eaten by their fellow Blacks when
they lost a tribal war.

At least, that was the case with most of the Blacks in Rhodesia, where
they worked primarily as farm laborers. But there was some resentment,
some envy of the White man. And there were Whites, infected by the
disease of liberalism, who were eager to fuel that resentment and turn
that envy into active hatred. Some of these infected Whites were in the
media. Even more of them were in the Christian churches. One of the
principal activities of the Christian churches in Rhodesia was educating
Blacks. They set up mission schools throughout the country, where they
not only provided free medical care for the Blacks and taught them how
to read and write, but also pumped into them the propaganda of equality
and of hatred of their White employers. They preached a theology of
revolution. Every single Black terrorist leader who later emerged when
warfare between Blacks and Whites broke out in Rhodesia -- every one --
was trained in a Christian mission school. That includes the current
Black dictator of Rhodesia -- excuse me, Zimbabwe -- former terrorist
leader, now president, Robert Gabriel Mugabe. It also includes the
Reverend Ndabaningi Sithole, who in 1979 was the head of the Zimbabwe
African National Union (ZANU), one of the principal terrorist groups.
And it includes Bishop Abel Muzorewa, the first Black to be maximum
leader of Rhodesia after the Whites abdicated.

When Black terrorists became active on a significant scale during the
1960s, the Rhodesians fought back hard. While other European colonies in
Africa were abandoned, the Rhodesians, along with the South Africans,
were determined to defend their land and their homes. And of course, the
liberals in Europe and in America were solidly on the side of the Black
terrorists.  The liberals cheered whenever the Blacks murdered a White
farm family or set off a terrorist bomb in Salisbury. And when the
terrorists murdered or mutilated the Black workers of a White farmer,
the liberals were silent. They hadn't really wanted that, but after all,
you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs.

An ironic point is that Rhodesia's Christian missions also were frequent
targets. The White farmers learned quickly how to deal with terrorists.
Their farms were heavily armed, and they set up a very effective mutual
defense and alarm network. When they caught a live terrorist, they
hanged him. The Rhodesian Army had the best anti-terrorist fighters in
the world. Tracking, catching, and killing Black terrorists became a
sport at which they excelled. In their frustration, the Blacks turned on
the Christian missions which had trained them. The missions were unarmed
and often were in remote areas and so were easy targets. The Blacks
would gang-rape the White nuns and nurses and then cut their throats.
They would slit open the bellies of the White infants and children and
pull out their entrails. They would impale the priests on stakes and
gouge out their eyes. The liberals back in America would smirk. They
would much rather it had been a White farm family than the White staff
of a Christian mission station -- but at least the victims were White.

The Rhodesians as a whole were coping pretty well with Black terrorism,
so the liberals began applying economic terrorism. Rhodesia was placed
under embargo by the United Nations. The intention was to starve the
Rhodesian "racists" into submission, to cut off the supplies they needed
to defend themselves  from the Black terrorists. Well, the embargo was
ineffective, because the Rhodesians got whatever they needed from the
South Africans, just across the Limpopo River to the south. This
infuriated the liberals. Christian church groups in America raised money
to send to the Black terrorists in Rhodesia so that they could buy more
effective weapons. Whenever the Rhodesians hanged a group of terrorists,
church groups and other liberal groups in America would hold candlelight
vigils, which seems to be one of the favorite things liberals do.

The Jewish media were the most effective weapon of the liberals against
Rhodesia, however. The media in America whipped up a frenzy of
bloodthirsty hatred against the Rhodesians. They had students
demonstrating on university campuses. They invited terrorist leaders to
speak to student groups and helped raise funds for the terrorists.  The
destruction of White Rhodesia was one of the top-priority projects of
American liberals during the 1970s. But the White Rhodesians weren't
especially worried. They had declared their independence from Britain in
1965 when the liberals in Britain tried to impose Black rule on them,
and as long as they could trade their farm products and their minerals
to South Africa in return for military helicopters and petroleum
products, they  knew they could fight Black terrorism indefinitely.

So the liberals stepped up the economic pressure against South Africa.
And the South Africans, I am embarrassed to say, eventually gave in.
They cut off their trade with Rhodesia, leaving the Rhodesians isolated.
And I cannot blame this bit of treachery entirely on the liberals. In
part it was due to selfishness and stupid shortsightedness on the part
of non-liberal South Africans. South African businessmen and politicians
thought that if they threw the Rhodesians to the wolves they could
relieve some of the economic pressure the liberals were putting on South

Even without South Africa's help, the Rhodesians could deal with the
terrorists. But liberalism also had infected many Rhodesians and
weakened both their self-confidence and their judgment. They decided in
1979 that living under a Black government wouldn't be so bad after all.
Blacks were human beings too, they thought. Surely the Blacks would
understand that their own welfare depended on the Whites. The Whites
made up only 4.5 per cent of the population, but they produced 92 per
cent of Rhodesia's agricultural output. Black farmers engaged only in
subsistence farming, and their own families consumed nearly everything
they produced. Without the White farmers and their large, efficient
farms, everything would sink back into the jungle. So with all sorts of
agreements and safeguards and assurances from the British government and
the United Nations, the Rhodesians turned their government over to the
Black majority, thinking that then the world would love them, their
standard of living would go up because the embargo would be lifted, and
everything would be peaceful and prosperous again.

Well, it didn't take long for cold, hard reality to assert itself. The
first thing that happened was the change in the name of their country
from Rhodesia to Zimbabwe. Their capital city had its name changed from
Salisbury to Harare. And their democratic government, with all its
checks and balances to assure the safety of the White minority quickly
reverted to the norm for Black Africa: a one-party dictatorship, with an
increasingly unstable and unpredictable Black dictator. Robert Mugabe's
party controls 147 of the 150 seats in Zimbabwe's parliament. There are
Black opposition groups in Zimbabwe, but when they try to have public
meetings or election rallies, they are set upon by armed thugs from
Mugabe's party, and their leaders tend to disappear or have fatal

During a peaceful march in Harare on the first of this month by 3,000
members of an opposition group, including 200 Whites, Mugabe supporters
armed with clubs and machetes attacked the marchers while Black police
watched without interfering. The attackers singled out the Whites in the
procession. I'll read you a few lines from an eyewitness report. I

"As the police stepped hastily aside, they charged. Demonstrators fled
in panic as stones were hurled toward them. Crouching in a doorway, I
saw an ordinary shopping street overrun by anarchy. Thugs raced along
pavements beating bystanders to the ground and snatching handbags. . . .
Shops hastily barricaded entrances, leaving desperate people trapped in
the street. A white man in his fifties was hit by stones and fell to the
ground. His companion, a white woman in her forties, was toppled beside
him. Seconds later three youths attacked them with clubs, and blood
spattered across the pavement where they lay."

In front of me I have dozens of other eyewitness reports of beatings,
slashings, and stabbings of Whites who participated in this peaceful
protest against the Mugabe government two weeks ago. I doubt that you
read any of these reports in the New York Times or the Washington Post.
They really don't like to report such news.

Much of the recent turmoil in Zimbabwe is related to Mugabe's threats
during the past year to take their farms away from White farmers and
give them to his Black followers. Last week, on April 6, he finally
announced that he will confiscate White farms without compensation. Even
before the announcement, Black gangs already had invaded more than 800
White farms and become illegal squatters, and Mugabe had refused to

There are only 75,000 Whites left in Zimbabwe today. Of the 275,000
Rhodesians in the country in 1979 at the advent of Black rule, 200,000
already have left. The ones who remain own some 4,500 farms, which still
produce more than 90 per cent of Zimbabwe's agricultural output. Mugabe
is basing his popularity with Blacks on a promise to take the farms away
from Whites and redistribute the land to Blacks.

Referring to his refusal to remove the illegal squatters from the White
farms, Mugabe announced last week, and I quote: "We will not remove the
people from the farms. We are going to share the farms. We are all
equal. We all have to share equally."

The remaining Whites in Zimbabwe are desperate. Their farms are all they
have. When those are taken most of them will have nothing left and
nowhere to go. A minority of them with British passports can go to
Britain, but everything they own, everything they spent their lives
building, will remain behind.

Now, here's the punch line to this story: it isn't a story in America.
The Jewish mass media over here have been far too busy giving us the
latest updates on Elian Gonzales to tell us about what's happening in
Zimbabwe. Four days ago, on Tuesday night of this week, I saw a
one-minute snippet about the dispossession of the White farmers of
Zimbabwe on CNN Headline News. I don't expect to see much more. So far
as the Jewish media bosses are concerned it's not important news. The
victims are our people, not Jews or Blacks or other non-Whites, and so
there's no need to make a fuss about it. And the liberals, of course,
aren't interested.

They were very interested back in the 1970s, when they were busy
destroying Rhodesia. But now that the work of destruction is done they
have completely lost interest. They don't care. Their latest project is
to persuade the International Monetary Fund that it must not be so
stingy in giving our money to African countries which need it. They're
demonstrating in the streets of Washington right now in a campaign to
get more money for supporting bankrupt countries -- countries like
Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe. Since the Whites, who were the principal
employers of Black workers in Zimbabwe, began leaving a few years ago,
the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe has reached 50 per cent. Now the
annual inflation rate also has reached 50 per cent. When Mugabe begins
grabbing more White farms, as he announced last week that he would,
there will be a total collapse of the economy. On top of that one in
every five Blacks in Zimbabwe is infected with HIV.

Yes, indeed, a new generation of very earnest college girls and
long-haired freaks and hymn-singing Christians soon will have a
wonderful, new cause to devote themselves to: providing money and food
and medical aid to the starving, AIDS-wasted Blacks of Zimbabwe. They
will be demonstrating just as self-righteously for this cause as the
previous generation demonstrated for Black rule in Rhodesia.

You know, I started out today to talk about the disease of liberalism.
What I've talked about so far is just one of the consequences of
liberalism, one of the effects of this disease of the soul. The very
earnest college girls and the long-haired freaks and the hymn-singing
Christians who were so proud of themselves when they succeeded in
destroying Rhodesia are just an effect of liberalism also. They aren't
liberals. They don't have an ideology. They just want to be fashionable.
They will take up any cause, with the utmost earnestness, so long as it
is fashionable. They don't have the wits to understand the disastrous
consequences of their misdirected earnestness. And they really don't

I used to want to kill all of these people. I wanted to round up every
earnest college girl and long-haired freak and every hand-clapping
hymn-singer who had demonstrated for Black rule in Rhodesia, or for a
boycott of South Africa, or for Black voting rights in the South, or
what have you, make them dig an enormous burial pit, and then
machine-gun all of them. I wanted to obtain all of the old membership
lists of the organizations to which these people had belonged, so that
they could all be rounded up and done away with. They have done so much
damage in this world, and then walked away from it without the least
regret for what they've done, without the least understanding of the
harm they've caused, that it seemed to me that the proper thing to do
was just kill them all.

Well, I understand now that that's not really necessary. There are just
too many trendy idiots in the world. They are not even inherently evil.
They lack the ability to distinguish good from evil. They have no more
inherent morality than animals do. They have no souls. They have only
the ability to recognize what is trendy at the moment. The people who
need to be killed are the ones who set the destructive trends for the
idiots.  They are the real liberals, the ones who are really sick and
need to be put down.

I'll talk more about them later. But for now I must tell you, I am
really heartbroken when I contemplate what the destructive idiots they
manipulate have done to the White people of Rhodesia, who at this moment are
facing a very grim future indeed.

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