Dear Robyn,
I am a dentist and the recommended hourly gross income is some $139-00.  To my knowledge medical doctors and vets are about the same.  Lawyers are swindlers by nature and judges are "top of the heap".  One email recipient of the salaries list said (and I agree) that the judges' salaries were "obscene".  You may have fallen for the banks' No. 1 ploy, ie:  to get everyone to lose all perspective on the value of money because then total chaos is easily achieved to strip assets and take absolute control.  Variable interest rate loans and money creation are two principal devices the banks are using to slowly "cook the frog" while the media distract and disinform.
Without a foundation to values, both economic and moral, we are blind, foolish and "sitting ducks/frogs".  Bread is the benchmark to economics and love to morality.  Lose sight of those important commodities and nothing is real anymore.
Paying judges exorbitant salaries is a method to corrupt the courts -- and we are seeing the proof.  To protect themselves the "evil judges" are "assuming the power of dispensing with our rights" -- as those words from the Bill of Rights 1688 tell us. 
We are simply re-living history because we have deliberately not been taught the lessons.
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.

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