----- Original Message -----
From: TonyPitt
Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2000 8:54 AM

> Barrier Reef National Park - SOLD???
Australians Involved in Tourism
As Addressed
 There is a plan afoot to do a debt-for-equity swap to expunge our national
debt. The swap includes our northern World Heritage areas. There are only
three areas. That means the Barrier Reef and/or the Daintree Tropical Rain
Forest and/or Fraser Island will become the property of the IMF/World bank.
 If you think this is some sort of joke then please contact Senator Len
Harris, Senator for Queensland, Phone (07) 3202 2300 or Fax (07) 3202 2199,
and ask him to send you a copy of his MEDIA  RELEASE 23/5/00  -  OVERSEAS
 This is not some new idea. The plan has been on the drawing board for about
20 years. I first heard of it when someone sent me a clipping from the USA.
The article from the Chicago Tribune 20/9/87 reported 'BANKS STRIKE DEAL
WITH CONSERVATIONISTS' at the Fourth World Wilderness Congress Denver/Estes
Park Colorado Sep 11-18.
 In 1994 there was a conference held on Fraser Island to PRIVATISE our
national parks (Source: Maryborough Chronicle 25/6/94). The excuse to
privatise was "Governments cannot meet the public's expectations and demands
of recreation reserves, national parks and endangered species protection so
it is time for the private sector to take a look. How often do we hear that
our parks are being 'loved to death'? The reality is that many parks would
die for some love - love and attention. That attention costs money. The
PRIVATE SECTOR can put dollars into park management PROVIDED THERE IS A
 Then the  IMF took the Luneta National Park from the Philippines to reduce
their national debt.
 What do you think you will pay to visit an IMF owned Barrier Reef? Do you
think they will leave the timber on Fraser Island uncut? Will they leave the
mineral sands lie there? Will they ignore the oil reserves under the Reef?
All the hoo-ha about saving our World Heritage areas for future generations
was just that - hoo-ha. The world financiers were just looking ahead. They
didn't want us cutting their timber, mining their minerals, pumping their
oil, or making  money from their tourists. The Amazon forests didn't last
long after the financiers got control of them.
 If you truly love your country you will tell all of your customers what is
going on. If you are fair dinkum about saving our heritage you will help pay
to warn all Australians. This mail out to about 1,000 tourist operators has
cost me a lot of money that I can ill afford. It will cost a lot more to put
out enough papers to wake the rest of Australia. I will be putting out a
special edition to warn as many Australians as possible. If you members or
your industry could help with donations to cover printing and postage any
such help would be appreciated.
 This is really a call to action. It will be a massive task to warn all
conservationists, students and unions of the government's intention to sell
our World Heritage areas. We really need to give them information and
ammunition to fight the sell-off.
 Firstly it is a federal government initiative. National parks are not a
federal responsibility. The federal responsibilities are outlined in the
Australian Constitution Para 51. The commonwealth cannot acquire land, other
than for defence purposes, without the consent of the states and even then
only on fair and just terms.
 The need to pay Federal debt is no excuse, especially when the debt was
deliberately created to bankrupt Australia, so we have to forfeit our
heritage to get out of impossible debt. The giving of $1bn to Indonesia and
$1bn to Thailand to bail out the Asian Tigers was just part of a huge
 Australia is an INDISSOLUBLE Commonwealth and to dissolve it by selling or
ceding territory is sedition. Refer to Para. 1 of the Australian
 I am asking your organisation to:
 1. Check that what I say is the truth by contacting Senator Harris.
 2. Warn your members and get them to photo copy, write, email, talk, show,
and con   vince others to do likewise so there is a cascade effect.
 3. Contact every group, club, organisation, P&C, student body, union,
business, and    others loyal to this country. Warn them what is going on.
 4. Help with a donation to cover printing and postage. In the past so many
have left    the hard work and expense to individuals that the individuals
have given up in dis   gust at the lack of physical and financial support.
Nobody at National Interest News   paper gets paid for the work they do.
 5. I would appreciate a brief response from you as to what action you are
taking     so I can keep you informed of any further developments.
 This is your last chance to derail the sell off of you children's future.
Will you help just this once? Please!

       Tony Pitt mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
PS. After sending out thousands of these letters I got $100 in donations to
cover postage.

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