FILE NO:  20137 of 2000.
In the NSW Supreme Court,  Queen's Square,  Sydney,  on Monday 19 June 2000 at 9:30 am, the Crown Solicitor will seek to have my suit against the State of New South Wales dismissed by a Master.
For documents filed in this matter by myself and the Crown Solicitor, please go to the "Trial by the Country (Jury)" section of my website at
I am suing the Crown for five million dollars because of unlawful imprisonment when (1) I was detained for 9 hours on 5 Sept 1997 with no Detention Warrant;  (2) I was imprisoned between 26 - 28 Sept 1997 on charges under s. 326 of the Crimes Act 1900 which the DPP withdrew on 19 March 1998 without any trial;  and (3) I was imprisoned between 9 Nov 1999 and 29 Feb 2000 on charges of contempt of court by Wood Chief Judge at Common Law who sentenced me to 2 years without parole and denied me trial by jury.  A Court of Appeal terminated the sentence but upheld the conviction.
This is the most important and serious court case for the Australian Judiciary because of the involvement of the concealment of bank fraud and the denial of a jury to determine the rights of the people and the guilt or innocence of an accused.
The first question I shall ask the Master on Monday morning is "Do you receive a salary of $183,000 from the Defendant?" and the second question will be whether he/she is a fellow judicial officer any of the 34 judicial officers I will name.  This will be directed at the fact that judges must not judge anything in their own cause and that only a jury can be the competent, independent and impartial tribunal necessary.
A court hearing must be "fair and public" and,  by using the Internet,  the public will have the opportunity to follow proceedings and judge for themselves who is right and who is wrong.  It will be trial by the country in its fullest sense.  In Australia,  there is no public television broadcasting of court but this is the closest we can deliver.
I encourage any recient of this email notice to re-transmit it as far and as wide as they choose (especially the website address) because what we are experiencing in Australia must be of concern to all people interested in justice and democracy.
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson. 

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