Good one John. The court knows that it is before a jury albiet an unofficial one, the internet community.
Philip Madsen
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2000 8:49 PM
Subject: Unlawful Imprisonment Proceedings in Supreme Court

Dear Fellow Australians,
This morning, the Crown Solicitor wanted their Motion to Dismiss the case dealt with.  I was told it would be before a Master.  However,  upon arrival,  the lists showed it would be before Registrar Haggett.
When it came our turn,  I immediately asked Mr Haggett if he was employed by the defendant to which he replied "I think that's pretty obvious.".  But, when I began to ask him if was "a past or present relative, friend, associate of colleague to the following judicial officers....?",  he said (something to the effect that) he would not answer and turned to the solicitor for the Crown and said (something to the effect that) in view of Mr Wilson's attitude he would not deal with the matter.  After a little discussion about what I proposed to do next, in which I said I would be filing more Affidavits containing transcripts,  he accepted my suggestion of 6 weeks to the next court date and he set it for 7th August.
I also told Registrar Haggett that he was mentioned in one of my already-filed Affidavits and I would propbably subpoena him before a jury.  I said all parts of the proceedings are being put on the Internet and told the court the website address.  When I offered to give him and the Crown Solicitor a copy of the Press Release I have been sending out,  he held up one - showing that he had the one I'd faxed to the Court Registry the previous Friday.
A transcript of this morning's encounter has been ordered and I will be putting on the website as soon as it is to hand.
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.

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