If you get to read 16. Feedback “Fire, Aim, Ready!” have a think about the so-called Land Rights in Australia and figure out if you will have any in the future.

----- Original Message -----
From: Neil Baird
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 7:42 PM
Subject: The News Report, Issue 140 Wednesday June 28 2000

The News Report, Issue 140
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a
revolutionary act."
George Orwell
1. Thought for the day - Raymond Hoser
2. Request:
3. Opinion:  Two tier prison system - Antonia Feitz
4. Opinion:  GST Madness continues - Antonia Feitz
5. Opinion:  The demise of the Nation state - Antonia Feitz
6. Article:  Cheating teachers - Citizenlink
7. Article:  The milk of human madness - Jeremy Lee
8. Article:  A new global holiday - Neita Bage 
9. Article:  US Farmers get additional multibillion $ support - F/w Reclaim Australia
10. Humour: Bill Clinton, Bill Gates & Al Gore go to heaven - F/w John Markovina
11. Life Sciences: Pharmageddon strikes back - Forwarded by Veronica Griffin / John Massey
12. Article:  Australia's economic growth - Michael Darby
13. Feedback:  Centrelink and the Olympic spirit - F/w John Markovina
14. Feedback:  A New form of economic censorship - Raymond Hoser
15. Feedback:  WEF and the future of the planet - Darryl Wheeley
16. Feedback:  Fire, aim, ready - Bob Djurdjevic
17. Feedback:  Hate crime in the USA - F/w Greg Weilo
18. Feedback:  The thin end of a very big wedge - Terry Shulze
19. Feedback:  Re: Australia - The Nanny state - Martin Essenberg / Neil Baird
20. Feedback:  There is no freedom when only criminals and governments have guns - Neal King
21. Feedback Contacts:
22. Editorial Policy:
1. Thought for the day:
"When governments and those in power tell lies, those who speak the truth must be silenced or put in jail" Raymond Hoser
2. Joining & Leaving Instructions / Funding:
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Welcome aboard if you are joining. Thankyou for being with us if you are leaving. Many thanks, good luck & may your god go with you. Neil Baird.
3. Opinion:
Two-tier prison system

There's a new prison farm for low security Aboriginal prisoners out near Brewarrina
. It has no walls or fences and the inmates will enjoy skills training along with drug and alcohol services. Families will be encouraged to visit.  On ABC radio, an Aboriginal woman commented that Aborigines are 'different' and shouldn't be locked up.

But surely that's a racist thing to say. Nobody likes being locked up, and though it receives little coverage in the papers, whites hang themselves in prison too. It's beyond doubt that low security white prisoners would also benefit from humane treatment in such a 'boutique' prison.
4. Opinion
GST madness continues

The GST was presented to the Australian people as being a 'simpler' tax system
. On the grounds of fraudulent misrepresentation alone it ought to be rejected. Believe it or not, small businesses are being sent a 140-odd page instruction manual to help them fill in their quarterly trading statements (Australian, 14/6/00)

Clearly the bureaucrats who've designed this thing have never run a business. As Robert Gottliebsen wrote, "Any form that requires more than 10 pages of explanation needs re-writing. Small businesses will simply throw their hands in the air and hope their accountants can make something of it."  But increasingly small businesses are being abandoned by the accountancy profession as uneconomic clients and consequently they're on their own. They've been left to waste their precious time form-filling paying and claiming back tax.

Gottliebsen also made the interesting observation that the GST will provide unprecedented opportunities for fraud on the tax department because "hundreds of millions of dollars are to be pumped into and out of the department on a regular basis.".


5. Opinion
The demise of the nation state

Here's another example of how elites really are "a herd of independent minds". For years now it's been fashionable among the chattering classes to talk about the demise of the nation state. Nations would become irrelevant in a borderless world, they parroted because somebody wrote a best seller saying it.

Never mind that the evidence of conflict all over the world showed the strength of the self-determination movements with people trying establish new nations. Why trouble yourself with the evidence, or - shock horror  - thinking, when it's easier to parrot the latest opinions and be with the in crowd.

Anybody who dissented from the demise of the nation state article of faith was considered to be an ignorant person who simply didn't understand the modern world, but clung to outmoded notions out of nostalgia.

But lo!  There's a new book out now which says that nation states will still be important even in the globalised economy. The book is "The Future of Governance" edited by Australians Michael Keating and Professor Glyn Davis.  What's the bet that before too long we won't be hearing much about the demise of the nation state?

And these people govern us? And are policy makers?
6. Article:
Cheating Teachers?  by Lara McGovern, staff writer

In some schools, teachers are the ones with the cheating problem. In recent years, standardised tests have become more than a measure of what students know, explained Focus on the Family education analyst, Dick Carpenter. "The tests really carry a lot of weight behind them due to some funding issues, due to possible state take-overs of school," Carpenter said.

Fifth-grade teacher Jan Millar said that puts a lot of pressure on her colleagues. "The importance of (tests scores) is becoming so great, as far as the school's value, as far as the teachers' performance appraisals, all those kinds of things," Millar said. "It is kind of a stressful thing."

Some teachers and administrators have dealt with that stress lately by cheating. The Claremont Institute's Matthew Robinson cited an incident in Austin, Texas. "There they eliminated some of the low-income kids from the test scores, so when they recorded the test scores, they seemed artificially high," Robinson said.

He added that in Maryland, a teacher was coaching kids through tests, giving them advance copies of the questions that were going to be on tests. And in New York, teachers were helping students by going through the tests one by one.

Carpenter said if children are taught fundamentals and the tests are written appropriately, cheating may not even be a temptation.

© Citizenlink 2000

7. Article:
Last night I attended a meeting in my local town of Crows Nest (Qld) called by a local Councillor to work out ways of countering the estimated loss of $3 million from the local economy as a result of dairy deregulation. The only solution seemed to revolve round seeking government money to start some alternative industries going. Ideas ranged from organic vegetables to speciality cheeses, tourism and jam-making.

The idea of local councils combining in a political thrust to stop the dismantling of a successful, long-established industry was hardly considered, and quickly dismissed. Local Councils generally regard disastrous government decisions from higher up rather like the weather – nothing you can do about it.

Queensland’s Darling Downs has 450 dairy farmers, 50% of whom will be driven out by deregulation. A comprehensive survey of the Bega Valley in New South Wales showed that a 15-cent reduction in farm-gate price would result in the loss of 121 dairy farms (81% of the total)

In the Wide Bay area of Queensland the Cooloola dairy area will see income drop from $52 million to $25 million. It is already anticipated that such regions in NSW and Queensland will see interstate milk from Victoria replacing local production from farms that have been there up to 100 years.

The best appraisal I have seen on the imminent dairy disaster has come from Dr John Kingston, an independent member in the Qld Parliament, in a letter to the Queensland Country Life. He said: "It is 25 years since Australia has had a trade surplus. Our trade deficits in recent years have been in $ billions: 95/96:21.7; 96/97:17.8; 97/98:22.8; 98/99:32.4. We now have an overseas debt of $228 billion, (latest figure over $250 billion – ed.) which equates to $42,000 for each of Australia’s 5.5 million families.

Deregulation of the Australian Dairy Industry will mean it will be the only major dairy industry in the world without government support for dairy farmers. The dairy industry is the third largest rural industry in Australia, behind beef and wheat, a major rural employer, and one of the leading rural industries in terms of value-adding through processing, with the consequential multiplier effects for employment in, and wealth of, rural and regional communities.
In 1998/99 the industry expected to produce over 10 million litres, of which 1.9 million litres would be consumed domestically as liquid milk. Exports amount to 50% of annual milk production and 60% of manufactured goods. Australia is the third largest exporter of dairy products after the European Community and New Zealand.

We have 13,468 dairy farms, 98% of which are family owned. These farms supply 12% of the world dairy trade, generating export earnings of $2 billion in 1998/99. Dairy is the largest rural industry in Australia at the wholesale level with sales of $7 billion. It directly employs 60,000 regional employees at farm and manufacturing level. 75% of Australian milk is processed by dairy farmer-owned co-operatives. The Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee, in October 1999, stated that in the last 20 years we have seen incredible efficiency increases at both farm and manufacturing level, and we have seen significant restructuring in both sectors. The number of people employed and the number of farms have all reduced significantly, and production and efficiency have risen. Average herd size has risen to 149 cows, and production has risen 55% since 1985.

Hilmer introduced the National Competition Policy to increase the efficiency of industries grown complacent behind tariff barriers. The Australian Dairy Industry competes in the world market without tariffs and government assistance, against countries which receive very significant subsidies. The U.S. government has provided an average $US41 million to their 116,430 dairy farmers (average herd 78 cows) in each of the last 10 years. In May 2000 the US Congress increased assistance to US farmers in general by $US15 billion. Hilmer is now on record as saying that his deregulation policy has been applied with too much rigour, and too little analysis and discretion.

It is apparently accepted that deregulation has been driven by Victorian producers. They are seasonal producers. Seasonal production is easier and more profitable than all year production. Currently, we have a group of Victorian producers touring milk production areas speaking out against deregulation. A socio-economic study of the Bega Valley -–close enough to Victoria, has shown that with a 15 cents per litre fall in price (and it is more likely to be 20 cents). 81% of producers will become non-viable, and the very existence of the Bega Valley rural communities will be under threat.

How can a country with a trade deficit for 25 years, and such an overseas debt, forced to sell national assets to pay interest and redemption, blindly apply across the nation’s industries a policy necessary within a few manufacturing industries, whilst other competing nations make compliant noises, but continue or increase their protection? Are more Australian jobs to be sacrificed on the WTO Holy Grail, at which Australia appears to be the only obedient believer? John Kingston, Independent Member for Maryborough.

Back to local councils: never was there a time they could be more effective in the national debate. The replacement of dairy with other industries can only at best be marginal. A combined statement from all Shire Councils contemplating dairy-industry destruction that they are strenuously opposed to deregulation would be a good start. A sober warning to all State and Federal politicians that they could be opposed at forthcoming elections by Council-sponsored independents would cause a sensation. The Nationals, particularly, already staring a terminal decline in the face, would finally have to put up or shut up. They cannot be allowed to comply in the continued destruction of rural Australia in obedience to globalism and the free market.

The Democrats are opposed to deregulation of the dairy industry; premier Carr of New South Wales has expressed deep reservations; a new dairy producers’ organisation in Queensland, the Australian Milk Producers’ Association has been formed to counter the weak, complacent Dairy Industry Board. Queensland’s Minister for Primary Industries, Henry Palasczuk, has personally opposed deregulation from the beginning.

The solution lies in the hands of Local Councils. They can no longer be allowed to remain neutral in the continued persecution of their rural areas.

The Federal Coalition is already trailing ominously in opinion polls. The GST will worsen their position considerably. It may well be the last chance for rural Australia. Failure to take a stand now will mean that the destruction of the Dairy industry will be followed by the Cane Industry. The rout of Australia’s rural areas will have been completed.

Jeremy Lee
© On Target
June 19 2000

8. Article:

Saturday September 2, 2000, the United Nations Millennium Assembly plans to celebrate "Global Governance Day
," or "One World Government Day."

Global governance will empower and fund the United Nations
to be the supreme governmental authority on the planet. Selected NGO's (non-government organisations), called "Civil Society," will take their place as both representatives of the people and implementers of U.N. policies. More than 130 international organisations called IGO's (inter-governmental organisations), will be consolidated as direct administrative agencies to the new U.N. SystemNational Governments will become mere administrative agencies reporting back through the appropriate IGO's to the U.N.

Consequently, any internal election procedures of any country will be of no or little consequence. In every instance the U.N. will have the ability to override any proposed legislation of any participating government.  Elected officials will simply become the administrators of a U.N. One World Government. Departments of Justice may only handle domestic matters as appointees of a "World Court." Defence Departments will be replaced by a world-wide U.N. military force. Departments of Education will be replaced by a universal curriculum designed and managed by UNESCO and the U.N. will provide its own social security system.

These mandates and the ensuing celebrations have been in the works for sometime. At least a decade of preparatory work has taken place to launch the new millennium of Global Governance, a term that recently replaced New World Order. Communist Goals of 37 years ago places up-coming events in proper perspective. The U.S. Congressional Record, Appendix, pages A34 and A35 dated Thursday January 10, 1963 list 45 current communist goals for America. Goal number 11 reads as follows:

"Promote the United Nations as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is re-written, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces."

The agenda of the U.N. was published by the Commission on Global Governance in 1995 and now appears as a Charter. Just as the "Society of the Elect," of Cecil Rhodes Secret Society or "Inner Circle," authored the original Articles of the League of Nations, so too an un-identified body has authored the Charter on Global Governance. According to Slick Willie's mentor, Carroll Quigley, page 26, of "The Anglo-American Establishment, the first draft was created by Lord Phillimore, however the second draft, known as the" Cecil Draft," was attributed to Lord Robert Cecil but in actual fact it was the work of Alfred Zimmern  a member of the Milner Group, named after Sir Alfred Milner, Cecil Rhodes protégé and successor.

On October 24th, 1999, the Charter for global Democracy was made public and had been signed by 56 nations. The Charter has 12 Principles and is in reality a document that ensures the abolition of human Rights and Freedoms.

Here are the 12 Principles contained within the Charter.

Principle # 1: Calls for the consolidation of all international agencies under the direct authority of the United Nations.

Principle # 2: Calls for the regulation by the UN of all transnational corporations and financial institutions, requiring and "International Code of Conduct," concerning the environment and labour standards

Principle # 3: Demands an independent source of revenue for the UN, such as the Tobin Tax with taxes on aircraft, shipping fuel and licensing the use of the "Global Commons," which is defined as outer space, the atmosphere, non-territorial seas and the related environment that supports human life.

Principle # 4: Eliminates the veto power and permanent member status on the security Council.

Principle # 5: Authorises a standing UN Army.

Principle # 6: Requires UN registration of all arms and the reduction of all national armies  as a part of a multilateral Global Security System under the authority of the UN.

Principle # 7: Requires both individual and National compliance with all UN Human Rights treaties and declarations.

Principle # 8: Activates the International Criminal Court and makes the International Court of Justice compulsory for all Nations and provides individuals with the remedy to petition the Court in instances of social injustice.

Principle # 9: Calls for a "new institution" to establish economic and environmental  security by insuring "sustainable development."

Principle # 10: Calls for the establishment of an "International Environmental Court."

Principle # 11: Calls for "A High Level Action Team," to police climate change and to allocate carbon emissions based upon equal per-capita rights.

Principle # 12: Calls for the cancellation of all debt owed by the poorest Nations, global poverty reductions and an equitable sharing of global resources as defined by the UN.

With out question this is a totalitarian planetary agenda created by an International Banking Cartel who in turn control the IMF and the UN. The charter puts into perspective the roles of the World Trade Organization (WTO), The Multi-lateral Agreements on Investment for Transnationals (MAI), the role of the Organization of Economic and Co-operative Development (OECD) as the propaganda enforcer of the IMF and the Financial Action Task Force.
Always remember the "Power Elite" will always come at you from more than one direction with co-ordinated agendas.

Go to: www.vvm.com/~ctomlin/a73.htm.
Forwarded by
Neita Bage
9. Article:
US Farmers get additional Multi billion $ support
EU Commissioner Fischler reacts to increased payments to US farmers (Ref:4CLD2J)

This is a communication from the Trade Directorate-General of the European Commission.

This week, the US decided to increase its support for US farmers by more than USD 15 billion. In a reaction, Franz Fischler, European Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries, said yesterday that this decision undermined severely the credibility of frequent US statements on the need for a global reduction in agricultural support. In fact, he said, US direct support to agriculture has risen by about 700% since 1996. By contrast, the EU has decided on the implementation of a second major agricultural policy reform in a decade, including a freeze on expenditure until 2006.

Concluding, Mr. Fischler said that the EU would carefully monitor developments in US policy to ensure that the commitments entered into in the Uruguay Round are fully respected and will oppose any attempt by the US to circumvent their WTO spending limit by misclassifying these financial handouts. Read more about the Commissioner Fischler's statement at: http://europa.eu.int/comm/trade/whats_new/farm_en.htm

European Commission, Trade DG, Information Unit
WWW: http://europa.eu.int/comm/trade
Fax:   +32-2-296-9854
To notify the European Commission of any changes to your contact details, please quote the following reference number: 4CLD2J
Forwarded by
Reclaim Australia
10. Humour:
Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, and Al Gore Go To Heaven
Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, and Al Gore were in an aeroplane that crashed. They're up in heaven, and God's sitting on the great white throne.
God addresses Al first. "Al, what do you believe in?"
Al replies, "Well, I believe that the combustion engine is evil and that we need to save the world from CFC's and that if any more freon is used, the whole earth will become a greenhouse and we'll all die."
God thinks for a second and says "Okay, I can live with that. Come and sit at my left."
God then addresses Bill Clinton. "Bill, what do you believe in?"
Bill Clinton replies, "Well, I believe in power to the people. I think people should be able to make their own choices about things and that no one should ever be able to tell someone else what to do. I also believe in feeling people's pain."
God thinks for a second and says "Okay, that sounds good. Come and sit at my right."
God then address Bill Gates. "Bill Gates, what do you believe?"
Bill Gates said, "I believe you're in my chair."
Forwarded by
John Markovina
11. Life Sciences:

Fearful that the global backlash against gene-foods is spreading to the U.S
.,  Monsanto, Aventis, Novartis, Dow, BASF, Zeneca, DuPont, and the Biotechnology Industry Organization have launched a $50 million a year public relations campaign to confuse and mislead the American public.

John Massey
Biohazard Action Alliance

An Alliance of local community groups opposed to the inappropriate location of Biotechnology Research Laboratories within the residential environs of Brisbane.    
Pharmageddon Strikes Back:

Disinformation, TV Ads, Regulatory Reforms

Fronting for the Gene Giants
, the so-called Council for Biotechnology Information has paid for cheery "biotech is great" national television ads, launched a Web site <www.whybiotech.com>, opened a consumer information hotline, carried out focus groups and polls, and enlisted prominent scientists and public figures (including Andrew Young, ex-ambassador to the United Nations and former Nobel Prize winner Dr. James Watson) to serve as messengers for pro-biotech propaganda. According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on April 4, the Council says it may spend as much as $250 million on the campaign over the next five years. In the CBI's opening national TV ad, the narrator tries to equate the potential benefits of GE crops with the more widely accepted uses of biotechnology in medicine.

Flashing between scenes of farm fields and medical labs, the 60-second ad proclaims: "A patient has a medicine she needs. A boy can survive a childhood disease. A cotton crop helps protect itself from certain pests because discoveries in biotechnology, from medicine to agriculture, are helping doctors and farmers to treat our sick and to protect our crops."

Based upon in-depth interviews and focus groups with American consumers, the Council for Biotechnology Information has begun to hammer home the following points--all of which of course are false:

* GE foods have been thoroughly tested by U.S. government agencies and found to be safe.
* Biotechnology increases the nutritional content of foods, makes them taste better, and can help feed the world's hungry.
* GE crops reduce the use of toxic pesticides.

In a national focus group study carried out last September 14-19 by public relations powerhouse BSMG Worldwide on behalf of the Grocery Manufactures of America, a copy of which was obtained by BioDemocracy News, BSMG recommends broadcasting the above "positive messages" to American consumers to counteract their negative views on biotechnology. Unfortunately for the biotech industry, BSMG also learned from interviewing American consumers that there are some major obstacles to public acceptance of GE foods:

* American women, who generally do the grocery shopping, are more likely than men to have negative feelings about gene-altered foods. These negative feelings are "rooted in fear of the unknown, fear of negative consequences for human health, and resistance to tampering with nature."
* African-Americans are also "notably negative" toward gene-foods, as are senior citizens.
* Both men and women overwhelmingly support mandatory labeling of GE foods, and strongly oppose industry efforts to restrict labeling or to make it voluntary.
* Only 15% of consumers are aware that the majority of supermarket foods already contain genetically engineered ingredients.
* Two-thirds of Americans say they are "concerned" about biotechnology issues.
* Forty-eight percent say they oppose any use of "genetic modification" in food production.
Veronica Griffin Ph.D. / John Massey
12. Feedback:
Some people believe in the stars, and others put their faith in statisticsThe latter group will have noticed that Australia's growth in Gross Domestic product for the first quarter of the year 2000 has been calculated at 1.1%.

This came as a surprise for the more pessimistic experts, some of them self-appointed, who had publicly expressed the expectation of a flat or even negative first quarter. There is really no reason to be surprised.

In the natural course of events, the entrepreneurial spirit of Australians has always been capable of building the economy on a continuous basis. Much of time in the past century, the entrepreneurial spirit of Australians has been impeded, or even trampled upon, by excessive taxation and unnecessary regulation.

For the very first time in the memory of most Australians, we now have in Canberra a government which genuinely understands that excessive taxation and unnecessary regulation are bad things for Australia. And, for the very first time in the memory of most Australians, we have a government in Canberra which has been winding back the level of taxation and the degree of regulation.

So despite major blows including the so-called Asian economic crisis and major international fuel price hikes, the Australian economy is still going forward. The growth of job opportunities and the fall in unemployment are among the indications of this success.

The opponents of the Prime Minister may do all they wish to forecast economic doom, but so long as the government continues downward pressure on the total tax burden, and continues its quiet program of deregulation, then things will continue to get better, for all Australians.

The principal problem facing the government is ensuring that the benefits are not confined to people who live in cities
Michael Darby
© The Darby Report
John Kerr Program am Monday 16 June 00

13. Feedback:
Centrelink & The Olympic Spirit
This from http://www.smh.com.au/news/0006/28/update/news1.html

Centrelink was advising unemployed people in Sydney they were expected to find a job during the Olympics, or else, it was revealed today. Leaked documents showed the government services agency was worried it would be blamed if the Sydney Games' jobs boom passed with too many people are still out of work.

ABC radio said the documents stated there was a jobs bonanza under way due to the Olympics, one which was likely to continue for some time.

The briefing notes for Centrelink staff contained a central message and a set of administrative practices. It told staff: "Tell marginalised job seekers: if you can't get a job in 2000 in Sydney, you'll never be able to get one. You are not serious about getting a job," the station reported. [Essentially: You're a useless bum - John]

It also listed directives to be conveyed to job seekers:
  • people were expected to travel to find work and expected to get it;
  • they were to be told they would be breached (penalised) if they did not meet their obligations such as not turning up for an interview or not maintaining a dole diary;
  • excuses would not be accepted;
  • agency staff should act to penalise if the evidence indicated a breach;
  • there were restrictions on the circumstances under which breaches could be overturned
  • these restrictions were in line with pre-existing requirement that Centrelink revokes no more than 15 per cent of penalties applied to people on the work-for-the-dole scheme.
Australian Council of Social Services president Michael Raper said the quota showed that many vulnerable people were to be penalised irrespective of whether they had a reasonable excuse. "Centrelink is not asking people for an explanation and those that do manage to speak up are being ignored," he said. - AAP
Forwarded by
John Markovina
14. Feedback:
A New Form of Economic Censorship
Victorian Attorney General:
FAX: (03) 93794434


I refer to ongoing threats made to distributors of books of which I am author, namely, Victoria Police Corruption (VPC-1) and Victoria Police Corruption (VPC- 2).
I've been advised that on or about 2 June this year, John Butler of the Victorian Government Solicitor or someone on his behalf sent letters to major book outlets including, Dymocks, Collins and Angus and Robertson telling them remove from sale these publicationsWe regard these threats as unlawful.
No proceedings have been launched by these people against the book or any person in relation to the books, but we are advised that the VGS has been aware of the continuing sales and distribution of the said books since at least March this year.
We are in possession of letters from the court brief of Adam Anthony Zoccoli relevant to an unsuccessful attempt at the Supreme Court of Victoria to ban the book's sales.  Included in that brief was a letter from yourself.
Bearing in mind that there is now a court order dated 18 April, 2000 by Justice Gillard which expressly forbids prohibiting or interfering with sales, it is obvious that the VGS and Zoccoli (who was the person who appears to have initiated the VGS's actions) are themselves in contempt of court
I assume you are aware that the books have been on sale since 2 August last year, there are thousands in general circulation and I no longer control the bulk of copies
Furthermore the books were tabled in full in the NSW Parliament by the Hon. Richard Jones MP on 2 July 1999 and form legitimate public commentSeveral thousand have been sold in the last yearHowever you are also advised that the unlawful bans now imposed by the VGS are causing immense and illegal harm to myself and others. Based on the above facts, I ask that you give an immediate and written undertaking that there will be no further threats against sellers of the books and/or myself in relation to the books and their sales and ask that you also ask the VGS to withdraw the threats and notify us of the same in writing.
Can you please notify myself and Kotabi Publishing's lawyers, of this in writing as soon as possible so as to prevent or minimise further damages and/or other ramifications.
The company's lawyer's name and address is as follows:-
Duker and Associates,
Suite 707,Lvl 7, Sussex Centre,
401 Sussex St,  Haymarket, Sydney, 2000
FAX: 02 9281-6272
The irony is that had it not been for the book (VPC-1) Labor here would still be in oppositionWe sold hundreds in Geelong prior to the 1999 election and the seat went to Labor by just 16 votes - you work it out!
15. Feedback:
WEF and the future of the planet....
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2000 7:45 PM
I'm writing to let you all know about the S 11 Protests in September. The World Economic Forum (reps from the worlds 1,000 biggest, meanest corporations are meeting along with the World Trade Organisation and other big heads in Melbourne from 11 - 13 of September, to discuss the future of our planet.
This is some serious stuff!!! These groups are recolonising the world, part of the agenda of the WTO is they have make international law. If we want to make a law to protect the environment, we ask them. They support money / trade / corporations / their friends. Any country that tries to stop a company from doing something bad can be sued for many millions / billions.
This has already happened several times. Usually the country backs down and lets the corporation do whatever. This is the future for Australia. We are also talking about globalisation. The world becoming one big America. Everything beautiful in life (at least from where I'm sitting) is about to be destroyed.
This has been building for years. It must be stopped, by the people. Seattle was huge, very empowering, and gave those bastard companies a good showing. We have to do the same here. Lately Australia's been a failure. We have to show otherwise. Its got to be now, there is no winding it back after.

There is a website at http://www.s11.org  with info, and there are meetings at the Conservatorium of Music at Southbank on every Monday (the next one is the 10th of July). Organising events in Melbourne and Brisbane.
Tell Everyone you think may care about this stuff.
I am sorry to say that playtime is over - this is the future of the earth, some sick ass science fiction come real, and it is up to ALL of us. Not fighting is the same as allowing this. Sorry to spoil the daydreams my friends. Anyway, come along, it'll be fun!!! And spread the word!
Forwarded by
Darryl Wheeley
16. Feedback
“Fire, Aim, Ready!”

Yugoslavia Banned from the UN Security Council Balkans Debate

NEW YORK, June 23 - Suppose Mexico were to occupy Aztlan (the American Southwest) using the United Nations “peacekeepersas a fig leaf for an act of blatant aggression on American’s sovereignty.  Suppose Mexico’s ambassador to the UN is one Ricardo Holybruka, also known as the “Aztlan Bully,” because of his prior successes in whipping Washington’s Madam Halfbright into acceding to Mexico’s territorial demands

Now, suppose there is a debate going on at the UN Security Council about its “Aztlan mission” one year after the “blue helmets” took over from the United States government Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, and much of TexasHere’s a Reuters report about it:
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters), June 23 - The Security Council took the unusual step of excluding Washington’s U.N. envoy from a debate on the Aztlan on Friday, prompting Great Britain's ambassador to walk out of the council chamber.

Mexico’s ambassador Ricardo Holybruka led the challenge on grounds that the American leadership, including President Bill Clinton, was accused for war crimes committed during last year's Aztlan crisis. "It would be inappropriate to allow the representative of this government to use this council in a discussion of where we stand on Aztlan," Holybruka said.

The vote was four in favour, seven against and four abstentions in the 15-member council on a motion to allow the American to speak. Under Security Council rules, procedural matters take a majority vote, with permanent members, such as Russia, the United States, Britain, China and France, unable to use their veto power.

British ambassador Sir Sirano Redcoat left his seat and walked out of the council session shortly after the vote was taken.  "America has a right to participate. It is a country whose interests are directly affected by this question," Redcoat told the council. "To discuss the Aztlan problem without America is nonsense," he said, adding that the court which charged Clinton and others was being used as a political instrument. "Even a defendant has a right to defend his or her position."

The council also heard speeches by Carl Bildt, the former Swedish prime minister who serves as a U.N. envoy for the Aztlan, and by Javier Solana, the former head of NATO, and now the secretary-general of a North American Federation council on a common foreign policy for the U.S., Canada and Mexico.”
TiM Ed.: Unbelievable?  Yes.  Preposterous?  YesAn assault on America’s sovereignty and territorial integrity?  Yes

Yet it is what happened today - June 23, 2000 - at the UN Security CouncilWe’ve just transposed the names of some countries, regions and people in the actual June 23 Reuters story about today’s move by the U.S. ambassador to the UN, Richard Holbrooke, to prevent the Yugoslav ambassador to the UN, Vladislav Jovanovic, from addressing the Security Council on the Balkans topic.
Which prompted Russia’s ambassador, Sergei Lavrov, to walk out in protest and make the comments attributed to “Sir Sirano Redcoat” in the above mock Reuters story.

Like the United States, Yugoslavia is a founding member of the United NationsLike the America’s Southwest, Kosovo is Yugoslavia’s sovereign territoryLike Washington’s interference in internal affairs of a foreign country, followed by an act of aggression and a military conquest of Kosovo, Mexico’s current political activism may lead to a secessionist civil strife that will be billed as a “liberation war.” 

Like Kosovo’s “liberation” on behalf of Albanians, such a conquest of Aztlan would mean “liberating” America of her south-western states on behalf of Mexicans

In short, as this writer said in a recent speech, “welcome to Aztlan - America’s Kosovo!”

As to the actual Security Council vote on today’s motion to allow Yugoslavia’s envoy to speak, voting in favour were Russia, China, Ukraine and Namibia; those against were the United States, Britain, France, the Netherlands, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Canada; abstaining were Mali, Tunisia, Argentina and Jamaica. 

(Note the alignment of five NATO countries with the two Asian predominantly Muslim nations).

Furthermore, the U.S. manoeuvred a representative of Montenegro, a constituent republic of Yugoslavia whose leadership is loyal to Washington, to be able to address the Security Council.  That would be like having New Mexico’s Hispanic separatists speaking for the United States.

And as you’ve already seen earlier this month, the Serb Bishop Artemije, a man who holds no political office, nor has any legal authority to speak on anyone’s behalf but his own, was also able to address the UN Security Council.  Artemije’s qualifications?  Just as Montenegro speaker’s - subservience to Washington.

What does it all mean? 
  • First, a diplomatic charade designed to isolate and eventually expel Yugoslavia from the UN. 
  • Second, international rule of law being replaced by the law of might is right
  • Third, death of the United Nations as a relatively impartial global security valve
  • Fourth, a preamble to the kind of a world powers contest that has already caused two world wars in the 20th century.
Now, for those Americans who saw the United Nations as a wasteful, U.S. taxpayer-subsidised threat to America’s sovereignty, a death of such an organization will probably seem like no great lossExcept if the alternative is World War III

Can the United Nations prevent that?  No.  Not this kind of a UN which serves as an increasingly transparent fig leaf for the global hegemonic aspirations of the Washington stooges of the New World Order.  So a prerequisite for averting another world war is a return to a new multipolar global geopolitical system - with or without the United Nations. 

Meanwhile, what might the Yugoslav ambassador have said had he been allowed to address the Security Council? 

Well, he might have reminded the Council members that the Washington-led KFOR / UNMIK in Kosovo have breached all provisions of their Resolution 1244 from June 1999 which allowed NATO and UN troops to enter this Serbian province.

The ambassador might have also pointed out that more than 300,000 Serbs and other minorities have been driven from their ancestral homes in Kosovo, and over 1,200 of them killed during KFOR’s “peace farce” in the last 12 months.

Since the topic of today’s debate was the Balkans, and not just Kosovo, the Yugoslav ambassador might have also reminded the esteemed members of the Council that many of the Dayton Agreement provisions were also arbitrarily violated or unilaterally rewritten by the NATO / UN occupation forces in the Bosnian Serb Republic; that the kind of “nation building” and “democracy” that the “international community” has taught the Bosnian Serbs included banning the greatest Serb poet of all times (Njegos), as well as eliminating a Yugoslav literature Nobel laureate and many Serb folk songs from the schools’ curriculum.

The ambassador might have talked not only about the war crimes that NATO had committed during its illegal aggression on Serbia, but also about the devastating effect on the Serb population, of the genocidal UN sanctions, now in their ninth year.  And about the harmful effects on the economies of other Balkan nations which have also suffered as a result of the UN sanctions.

Finally, the ambassador might have pointed out that trying to construct a Balkans peace and security by oppressing and destroying the largest Balkan nation is like trying to build a European unity and security on the basis of oppressing and destroying Germany, for example.  Isolating the largest European country and throwing it out of the EU, UN, OSCE, IMF, WTO... would be a madman’s plan for “peace” that surely can only lead to more wars.  Yet, that’s exactly what Washington and its allies are doing in the Balkans.

Is that what Ricardo the Holy-Shame and Madam Halfbright were afraid the world might hear todayIs that why they muzzled the Yugoslav ambassador? 

Well, they succeeded today, thanks to a disgraceful complicity of Britain, France, Canada, the Netherlands, Malaysia and Bangladesh in Washington’s assault on international law, the truth and the free speech.  But what will the Secretary of Hate do tomorrow, if other nations start to follow Russia out of the United Nations, and start to vote with their feet against the one country’s rule of the world? 

We get it… Go back to the basics; apply the three tenets of Madeleine Albright’s foreign policy: “Fire, aim, ready!”
UPDATE - LATE NEWS: As if having heard our above comments, we’ve just received word that China's envoy to the UN also exited the Security Council room a few minutes after the Russian ambassador, during a speech by Javier Solana, the European Union's foreign policy chief.  Shen Guofang, however, had participated in the debate on the Balkans, whereas no Russian diplomat spoke after the controversy over Yugoslavia's attendance, the Reuters wire reported.
Bob Djurdjevic
© TRUTH IN MEDIA, Phoenix, Arizona
17. Feedback:
Hate Crime in USA
Troy Knapp will never be the same. In October, Troy and his friend Gary Thornburg were heading home  riding bicycles on a quiet Charleston street. "As they were coming up they encountered a large group of black males," said Cpl. Jerry Jelico of the North Charleston Police Dept.

Police say an angry mob attacked the two men, knocking Gary out and brutally beating Troy with pipes, trash cans and physical force. A large part of Troy's skull which was broken in two places had to be removed to make room for the swelling. As well, severely damaged sections of his brain had to be taken out and now Troy can barely function.

"And for what?" asked Tony Chase, the victim's friend. "It's senseless. He didn't do anything to deserve this."

Fourteen adults and three juveniles were arrested and charged with second-degree lynching, a mob beating charge. Seven of them were indicted, one had charges dismissed and the rest were released on bond.

Defense attorneys would not comment, but the prosecutor did talk about the case a black-versus-white crime where racial hatred is not being considered by the justice system. "In South Carolina, there is no hate crime where racial motive would come into play," said prosecutor David Schwacke, adding that "we haven't been able to establish hate as a motive."

He acknowledged that if it had been 17 white suspects and two black victims, hate would more likely be considered a motive, based on common perceptions of race crimes. "I think there would be people raising that as an issue," he said.

Federal hate-crime law could apply in this case, but seven months after the incident the U.S. attorney's office in South Carolina is not even considering charges. "If something like this would have happened to some young African Americans, you can bet it would have been so wide," alleged Chase. "I mean, every day on the news and in the paper, you'd still be reading about it. I believe that."

News coverage of the beating has been almost non-existent. And the Knapp family fears that justice in this case may indeed be colour-blind. "You know, it's just like he's been forgotten about," said Chase.

Forwarded by
Greg Weilo
18. Feedback:
The Thin End of a very big wedge

The similarities between the US and Australia on the gun control issue are not to be ignored - what has happened in Australia is what is coming to America. On the issue of "mentally incompetent", next it will be PATS, depression, treatment for anxiety, etc.

Here in Australia the laws state that a "health practitioner" may inform the police if they believe the person is not fit to possess a firearm. A health practitioner is defined as virtually anyone who thinks they are a "health practitioner". For example, anyone providing professional counselling advice - which means all the dingbats at the Department of Community Services. Not only are they allowed to inform the police - they are specifically indemnified in the legislation against any action being taken against them for any damage arising out of the notification.

A few years ago I had a client who had his firearms license taken away from him because of such a scenario. He had some pretty disturbing incidents in his life and he was terribly depressed. He had thought about suicide, but it was just a thought, nothing further. One of his friends suggested he go to the Royal North Shore Hospital for some help with his depression.

At the interview, the hospital asked if he had any firearms. He replied "yes" - that was all it took. They put him in the hospital that night and in the morning the police arrived to escort him to his home and surrender his firearms. He did so. When he arrived back at the hospital he was told that they needed his bed and discharged him. That's right - no treatment, no prescriptions, no counselling - they simply took his guns away.

When we went to court to try and get his firearm license back the prosecution did not have a case and it was stood over to another date. On that date, the prosecution had a medical report from a doctor that had never examined or even met my client. The medical report allegedly relied upon the clinical notes taken in his interview. The report indicated that he was a violent person and suicidal.

Well, now we adjourned the hearing and subpoenaed the clinical notes and got our own doctor's (psychologist) report. Our doctor actually spent two hours with the client, further, I had obtained the clinical notes by that time and the doctor used those during the interview. My guy was deemed to be entirely rational from the way he conducted himself and his past history. However, it was the clinical notes that we couldn't believe - you see the hospital had originally assessed him as NON-VIOLENT, that's right, the hospital doctor flat out lied in his report. Further, although he was assessed as depressed, he was not assessed as being a danger to himself or anyone else - again the doctor had lied.

I hammered the hell out of that doctor on the witness stand. It did no good. You see the Magistrate we appeared in front of hated firearms, he didn't think anyone should have them. The Magistrate made up a bogus argument about how it was "not in the public interest" for my client to have a firearm as he had previously had suicidal thoughts and he MIGHT have suicidal thoughts in the future, and being a member of the public, it was not in the public's interest that he have access to firearms. I told my guy that we could appeal on that point of law - he declined. He had had enough of the legal system.

Pass this email on to others - this story will soon repeat itself in the U.S..

Terry Shulze
19. Feedback:
Re: Australia - The Nanny State
REPLY- it isn't all the fault of the Parks service. Its an insurance problem. A couple of years ago some one climbed over a safety railing at a lookout and fell off. They prosecuted the National parks and won.
The Judge decided that IF a safety railing was provided them the National Parks was responsible for people falling over the edge. If no safety railing or other safety stuff was around then they were NOT liable. (Absurd - Editor)
No doubt the parks fear that if they give approval for the stunt and anyone is hurt now or in the future that will be held liable and prosecuted
The problem of insurance in Public and private places is becoming a dead hand on people doing things or being allowed to do things.
Martin Essenberg
You hit the wrong target. The problem isn't an insurance problem, but a legal one. The stupidity of judges and juries in finding for not so innocent, often plain dumb, defendants and their legal teams.
  • A person who climbs over safety railings in such a case and falls off a cliff has only themselves to blame. A council which has notices up warning of the danger in plain English, and has secure safety barriers up, should be held blameless if nevertheless tragedy occurs. A council which fails to protect against reasonably foreseeable accidents - they on the other hand should be sued.
  • A person who, of his own free will, drinks too much in a pub has only themselves to blame, if later by a bus stop, they fall over drunk into the path of an oncoming motorvehicle. The publican should not be sued in such circumstances for the intoxication of his ex patron.
  • A person who flies a light aircraft into a mountain has only themselves to blame, and should not create grounds for the late pilots relatives to sue the aircraft maker for not making a plane safe enough to be flown at high speed into the side of a mountain and win a settlement in the tens of millions of dollars. This idiotic settlement helped created the situation where the light aircraft industry in the USA was almost decimated by a massive increase in product liability insurance costs.
These absurdities are products of "tort legislation" gone crazy. They are extensions of the "snail in the ginger beer bottle" case that were never envisaged in that landbreaking case half a century ago.
The reform that is needed is that of the courts.
20. Feedback:
"There is no freedom when only criminals and government have guns."

Libz Support Call To Arms By Dairy Owners
Wednesday, 21 June 2000, 3:47 pm
Press Release: NZ Libertarianz Party
Libertarianz Deputy Leader Richard McGrath says shop proprietors shouldn't have to ask the government's permission to carry firearms for protection. Backing a call to arms by the Indian Central Association on behalf of dairy owners, he added that every law-abiding person should be able to arm themselves with handguns or other weaponry if that is their wish.
"To defend oneself with sufficient retaliatory force against violent criminals and government tyranny is a basic human right, not a privilege," he said today. "As evidence from the United States has proven conclusively, an armed society is a polite one."
McGrath drew attention to the landmark 1997 study by Yale professor John Lott, which concluded that when the carriage of concealed weapons is allowed in the community, the incidence of murder, rape and robbery plummet. "Only one American in four owns a gun," he added. "But the two hundred million others who don't own firearms also reap the benefit."
Libertarianz want politicians to be shackled by a constitution that would allow, among other things, people to carry arms for their own protection. "There is no freedom," he said, "when only the criminals and the government have the guns."

Forwarded by
Neal King
Let us know what you think. Feedback is important. Comments on articles read would be of value. Do you agree / disagree? Can you add more or a different perspective. Your contributions are greatly appreciated.
Send this email on to as many as you can. The more that read it the merrier. In time email communication will make government censorship impractical and the newspapers will have to start reporting it as it really is, rather than the smoke and mirrors tricks they currently indulge in, or loose readership, and therefore advertising monies. While we have a long way to go before that happens, each epic journey must start with a single step.
Lets go to it.

Neil Baird
Antonia Feitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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