Dear Brian,
The list of CIVIL WRONGS goes on.
Apparently, the GST will send 20,000 small businesses into bankruptcy.
I haven't heard of anyone suing the CROWN for these TORTS committed by those PUBLIC SERVANTS with the CROWN having VICARIOUSLY LIABILITY.
I have laid out the formula in my action for Unlawful Imprisonment. This eliminates Judges and only permits Trial by Jury to judge if the Public Servants (John Howard and all) are guilty of doing harm to the community.
"Treason" is an emotional and distasteful word which can easily alienate ordinary folk.  "Wrong" and "harm" mean more and are more likely to convince people, who are essentially "in the dark" as to what is going on and feel they have no way to put things right.
Information about "doom and gloom" is informative.  But it is of no effect unless "good men" (ala Edmund Burke) take it to Court in suits of Tort.  All other forms of protest and pseudo-action are a waste of time. In fact, they only serve to reassure the bad guys that they can do whatever they like, while the "windbags" blow themselves out.
Yours sincerely,
John Wilson.
-----Original Message-----
To: Internet Friends <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, 17 November 2000 10:32

Prime Minister Howard yesterday committed Australia to International
Communism/Socialism (now euphemistically known as Globalism), saying that it is inevitable. Exactly in line with the Whitlam-Hawke Fabian policy.
FIRST POINT: Much has been said about the so-called budget surplus. Nothing has been said about our National Foreign Debt, which has rocketed to over -wait for it - A404BILLION, and climbing vertically as we speak.
SECOND POINT: Howard has committed us to so-called "Free Trade" which means zero tariffs. Note that this is for Australia. Yet if we want to manufacture light aircraft for example, and export them to communist China, the Tariff payable to the Chinese government is 100%!!! This is what we are expected to believe is the "level playing field."
THIRD POINT:  Marxism has always been in favour of "free trade" between countries. This is yet another of many ways developed countries can be torn down and reduced to third world level. Other ways are:
(a) import diseased apples and pears from New Zealand into Australia, so that they will inevitable contaminate the Australian crops, which are presently relatively disease-free;
(b) at the same time, pay orchardists  so much per tree to bulldoze out perfectly good, healthy orange trees, and import cheap, second class oranges and orange juice from California and Brazil;
FOURTH POINT: The Australian dairy industry is now smashed. The next major primary industry to be smashed is the QUEENSLAND SUGAR INDUSTRY. This is already well under way, with the introduction of cheap sugar imports, low world sugar prices, all exacerbated by the rust disease now rife in many areas, particularly the Mackay district.
FIFTH POINT: We are constantly being told about "growth" (for growth's sake), and "business confidence". Try telling that to the concrete teams, for example, many of whom have been out of work since June.
Or the engine re-conditioning businesses. We received a report this week that 30 (THIRTY) engine re-conditioning firms on the NORTH SIDE OF BRISBANE ALONE have closed their doors in the last 2 months!!!
Small shops and businesses across Australia are simply closing down. Most of them do not have the money to pay BAS, GST, etc.
The Loyal Constitutional Army, apparently headquartered at Yandina, has written to many politicians and judges, advising them that they are guilty of committing acts of treason against the Australian people. 
HAS ANYONE CONSIDERED WHAT IS THE "COMMON THREAD" with these Internationalists? What is it that binds them together in a conspiracy to undermine countries such as Australia, Rhodesia, South Africa, and all other developed countries??
For more information contact us.

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