Hi Peter,

Sindice will not go and probe your sparql endpoint. The Sitemap
directive for exposing sparql endpoints is therefore mostly to be used
by clients or other forms of integration which do not involve indexing
the entire RDF model (or models) you offer.

Sindice might return you sparql endpoints i nthe future (why not), it
will certainly use the dump files you might want to provide and slice
this instead of crawling when a sitemap (and a dump!) is available.
The end result is that you serve a singlefile (the dump) but you can
find your resolvable URIs (URLs) returned as results when a matching
query is answered. ( e.g.
http://www.sindice.com/search?q=semantic+sitemaps&qt=keyword the first
result (the talk) and the last (the paper) were indexed without
crawling the site)

hope this helps


On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 1:39 AM, Peter Ansell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does sindice utilise the SPARQL related pieces in anyway for internal
> processing? Does it understand or replicate the slicing mode?
> <sc:linkedDataPrefix
> slicing="scbd">http://dblp.rkbexplorer.com/id/</sc:linkedDataPrefix>
> <sc:sparqlEndpointLocation>http://dblp.rkbexplorer.com/sparql/</sc:sparqlEndpointLocation>
> If my understanding is correct, this is aimed at a search engine
> mostly... so it should publish this information when it finds it in a
> directory of sorts to be most useful. Does sindice republish this
> information in some form to allow directory based access to the
> different linked data endpoints/sites?
> Cheers,
> Peter
> 2008/5/30 Giovanni Tummarello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> A validator in sindice is possible and has been discussed but the list
>> of things to do is now quite scary :-)
>> poor man validator: plese post us about yout sitemap here
>> http://forum.sindice.com/index.php . Free report and quick indexing to
>> those who do.
>> Giovanni
>>> Mind you, Giovanni says that a lot of sitemaps are broken, so they fix them
>>> and cache the fixed ones for Sindice purposes :-)
>>> On 30/05/2008 00:02, "Peter Ansell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> ...
>>>>> Richard
>>>>> [1] http://sw.deri.org/2007/07/sitemapextension/
>>>> That looks very usable to me. Has anyone used it for linked data? How
>>>> do you discover these sitemaps as a linked data user, as opposed to
>>>> sitemaps which are traditionally submitted to search engines for
>>>> searching. In either case, it would be nice to have an RDF description
>>>> submitted as part of a sitemap to a semantic search engine so it might
>>>> be good to standardise that mechanism based around these ideas.
>>>> Also, there is a reference in that document to N-Quad format, what is
>>>> that exactly? [2] is a bit sparse on examples so it is hard to
>>>> understand what is meant by the syntax.
>>>> Also, is the slicing declaration attempting to make up for a deficit
>>>> in the SPARQL protocol w.r.t. DESCRIBE? Why not utilise SELECT if you
>>>> had an idea of what pieces of information you desire, although I guess
>>>> the server is in the best position to recommend information to you
>>>> with DESCRIBE queries. I think slicing mechanisms should be defined
>>>> outside of that context, although the lack of progress with CBD [3] is
>>>> a little worrying with respect to that bit.
>>>> [2] http://sw.deri.org/2008/02/nx/
>>>> [3] http://www.w3.org/Submission/CBD/
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Peter

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