
> I think Yves' proposal kind of hits our complexity-line. Do you remember we
> drew something about the complexity that voiD is aiming to solve at the
> right corner of the poster? That might give people some idea the sort of the
> complexity we want to expose in voiD "at the starting point" :)
> Yves,
> There is an excellent paper in ESWC by Andy Langegger. I think you might
> also be interested:
> /A Semantic Web Middleware for Virtual Data Integration on the Web
> /Andreas Langegger, Wolfram Wöß, Martin Blöchl (Johannes Kepler University
> Linz)

I just read the paper - it is extremely interesting! (although they do
not mention P2R as a linked data wrapper, but I can live with that ;-)
). What I would like is actually a way to express in RDF the results
of the pseudocode in section 3.1, giving types and properties you can
find in a particular dataset. For example, I may want to state "in
this dataset, i have the phone numbers for my friends. in this other
dataset, i have their address".

So I really think this void:example property is a really simple way to
achieve this. eg. the following SPARQL query gives me datasets in
which I have phone numbers:

?ds a void:Dataset; void:example ?g.
GRAPH ?g {
?p a foaf:Person; foaf:phonenumber ?n.

It would be perfectly fine that the object of this void:example
property is the result of a CONSTRUCT query on the actual end-point.


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