Le 7 août 2008 à 01:31, Kim, Haklae a écrit :
We are happy to announce that an initial version of SCOT specification has recently been published athttp://scot-project.org/scot/spec .

To give more context to the readers who might not know. The abstract of the DERI Galway Working Draft of SCOT.

SCOT is an acronym for Social Semantic Cloud of Tags. The name was chosen to emphasise the goal of providing a consistent framework for expressing social tagging at a semantic level in machine- understandable way.

The SCOT ontology provides a model for expressing the main concepts and properties required to describe information for tagging activities (e.g., users, tags, resources, etc.) on the Semantic Web. This document contains a detailed description of the SCOT Ontology.

Karl Dubost - W3C
Be Strict To Be Cool

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