
We've now added "Entity Rank" to the service at: .

Thus, when you enter a full text pattern a linked data coefficient based algorithm is used to determine entity rank in the results page. At the current time you simply see the "search" or "find" entity matches in the results page. If you want to see what's really happening at the SPARQL level just click on the "SPARQL" button.

In the next day or so the results page will be embellished with horizontal bars to visualize the entity ranks.

Auto complete will be in place later this week or early next week.

As per our AMIs for DBpedia, MusicBrainz, NeuroCommons, and Bio2RDF, we are going to make an EC2 AMI edition of the LOD cloud hosting edition of Virtuoso once all the data is in. Thus, you will be able to simply switch on you personal or service specific edition of the LOD cloud etc..





Kingsley Idehen       Weblog:
President & CEO OpenLink Software Web:

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