Hi Bill,

Is your code to do the content negotation in RoR available somewhere?

I'm trying to come up with example code to put up (sometime soon) on the
linkeddata.org site.

Juan Sequeda, Ph.D Student
Dept. of Computer Sciences
The University of Texas at Austin

On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 8:19 PM, Bill Roberts <b...@swirrl.com> wrote:

> I thought I'd give the .htaccess approach a try, to see what's involved in
> actually setting it up.  I'm no expert on Apache, but I know the basics of
> how it works, I've got full access to a web server and I can read the online
> Apache documentation as well as the next person.
> So... after an hour or so of messing around, I still couldn't get Apache
> based linked data content negotiation to work properly.  (Something to do
> with turning off MultiViews which in turn meant fiddling with
> AllowOverride).  I had more pressing things to do so I gave up.
> Anyway, I conclude that I agree with Martin that this is not in general an
> easy way to set up content negotiation!  And I had full access to all the
> Apache conf files - without that I wouldn't have got anywhere.  In contrast,
> last year I wrote some code to do linked data content negotiation in a Ruby
> on Rails app, which was pretty easy.
> Regards
> Bill

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