Hi Jeni,

[Rest of post snipped for now, I'll respond properly later. Seems like we are on sufficiently similar wavelengths that it is "just" a matter of working the details.]

I don't know where the best place is to work on this: I guess at some point it would be good to set up a Wiki page or something that we could use as a hub for discussion?

I'd suggest setting up a Google Code area and making anyone who is interested a committer. That gives us a Wiki but also hosting for associated code for generating/navigating the format. I'd be happy to set one up.

An alternative is the ESW Wiki but (a) that doesn't have an associated code area, (b) I don't personally have access right now (though I believe that is easily fixable) and (c) it might be presumptuous to associate it with W3C at this stage of baking.


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