Nathan wrote:
Hi All,

Other than the obvious - Linking Open Data = The name of W3C Community
Project - I'm wondering which terminology to use where when talking
about (what I'll term "Linked Data" for now).

To me, "Linked Data" represents the <uri> <uri> <uri> triples; the thing
at the core of it, which can be used behind the firewall in a "silo"
with nothing open about it.

So if I then term "Linked Open Data" as "Linked Data" which has been
published properly, then what do I use to refer to the tech-stack and
principals as a whole?

Will leave it there,

Many Regards



As with all communications its depends on your audience. Describing Linked Data monotonically to all audiences is a fatal flaw.

Client-Server Savvy Audience (folks that grok Distributed Data Objects realm as the final frontier re. Client-Server computing):
Its HTTP based Data Access by Reference.
Reference scope is the Data Item (a record) rather than Data Container (e.g. Table), and reference mechanism (Identifier) is delivered via Generic HTTP URI.

Remember, you can't apply CRUD operations (local or across the wire) to things you can't Reference by Name or Access Data Representation by address.

Database Audience:
Use of generic HTTP URIs as Identifiers in EAV/CR graphs.

This audience understands that we are all moving beyond SQL (i.e. Not Only SQL) and RDBMS as apex items within data access value pyramid (one defined by the ability to deliver agility via ad-hoc queries against homogeneous or heterogeneous data sources).

Web Developer:
RESTful data access where the atom is a Resource inextricably bound to a structured Information Resource that bears its description. The resource structured is EAV based (this community isn't interested in the "CR" part).

TimBL's design issues document was basically a meme for how to make the above happen on the Web via a set of best practices.



Kingsley Idehen President & CEO OpenLink Software Web:
Twitter/ kidehen

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