Hi all, DBpedia [1] is a community effort to extract structured information from Wikipedia and to make this information available on the Web. DBpedia allows you to ask sophisticated queries against Wikipedia knowledge [2]. DBpedia also plays a central role as an interlinking hub in the emerging Web of Data [3].
The DBpedia Team at Freie Universität Berlin [4] is looking for a developer/researcher who wants to contribute to the further development of the DBpedia information extraction framework, investigate approaches to annotate free-text with DBpedia URIs and participate in the various Linked Data efforts currently advanced by our team. Candidates should have + good programming skills in Java, in addition Scala and PHP are helpful. + a university degree preferably in computer science or information systems. Previous knowledge of Semantic Web Technologies (RDF, SPARQL, Linked Data) and experience with information extraction and/or named entity recognition techniques are a plus. Contract start date: 15 May 2010 Duration: 1 year Salary: around 40.000 Euro/year (German BAT IIa) You will be part of an innovative and cordial team and enjoy flexible work hours. After the year, chances are high that you will be able to choose between longer-term positions at Freie Universität Berlin and at neofonie GmbH. Please contact Chris Bizer via email (ch...@bizer.de) until 15 April 2010 for additional details and include information about your skills and experience. The whole DBpedia team is very thankful to neofonie GmbH [5] for contributing to the development of DBpedia by financing this position. neofonie is a Berlin-based company offering leading technologies in the area of Web search, social media and mobile applications. Cheers, Chris [1] http://dbpedia.org/ [2] http://wiki.dbpedia.org/FacetedSearch [3] http://esw.w3.org/SweoIG/TaskForces/CommunityProjects/LinkingOpenData [4] http://www.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/en/institute/pwo/bizer/ [5] http://www.neofonie.de/ -- Prof. Dr. Christian Bizer Web-based Systems Group Freie Universität Berlin +49 30 838 55509 http://www.bizer.de ch...@bizer.de