On Fri, 4 Jun 2010 18:06:08 -0500
Peter DeVries <pete.devr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I would appreciate feedback on these models and any suggestions for
> how they could be improved. :-)

The following:

@prefix txn: <http://lod.taxonconcept.org/ontology/txn.owl#> .

        a owl:Class ;
        txn:kingdom "Animalia" ;
        txn:phylum "Arthropoda" ;
        txn:class "Insecta" ;
        txn:order "Lepidoptera" ;
        txn:family "Nymphalidae" ;
        txn:genus "Danaus" ;
        txn:epithet "plexippus" ;
        txn:author_year "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ;
        txn:commonName "Monarch Butterfly" ;
        foaf:page <foo> .

Appears to be an almost identical way of representing a species concept
to the one I came up with a couple of years ago:

@prefix txn: <http://purl.org/NET/biol/ns#> .

        a txn:Taxonomy ;
        # note: txn:Taxonomy rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Class.
        txn:kingdom "Animalia" ;
        txn:phylum "Arthropoda" ;
        txn:class "Insecta" ;
        txn:order "Lepidoptera" ;
        txn:family "Nymphalidae" ;
        txn:genus "Danaus" ;
        txn:species "plexippus" ;
        txn:authority "Linnaeus, 1758" ;
        txn:commonName "Monarch Butterfly" ;
        txn:seeAlso <foo> .

I wonder if you could reuse the URIs I minted rather than creating new

If we could stamp out any incompatibilities between the two ontologies,
then I'd be happy to point the http://purl.org/NET/biol/ns URI at your
ontology, so we'd just have a single merged ontology.

Toby A Inkster

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