
Here are some news re.the Info Service Ontology:

It has now an own repository [1] + mailing list [2]. Feel free to join the developing process or leave comments/suggestions/critics. You are welcome ;)



PS: Please also note that there is a new revision of the ontology (v 0.4) [3,4,5].

[1] http://sourceforge.net/projects/infoserviceonto/
[2] http://groups.google.com/group/info-service-ontology-specification-group
[3] http://infoserviceonto.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/infoserviceonto/infoservice/trunk/rdf/infoservice.n3 [4] http://infoserviceonto.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/infoserviceonto/infoservice/trunk/gfx/infoservice.gif [5] http://infoserviceonto.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/infoserviceonto/infoservice/trunk/gfx/is_-_musicbrainz_example.gif

Am 19.06.2010 23:39, schrieb Bob Ferris:

I thought this ontology might also be of interest for the lod mailing.
Initially a Music Ontology issue, later a FOAF Ontology issue and now
even with a broader scope ;)

I designed yesterday the Info Service Ontology [1,2]. The initial
intention behind designing this ontology was to add some knowledge re.
linked websites from different info services in semantic graphs [5], e.g.

<http://musicbrainz.org/artist/8a1fe33d-6029-462e-bcb7-08e0ebaba6dd.html> a
foaf:Document ;

mo:musicbrainz .

The Info Service Ontology consists of a basic is:InfoService concept
(which could may owl:equivalentClass prv:DataProvidingService) and some
additional ones for describing such an info service
(is:InfoServiceQuality, is:InfoServiceType - the specific individuals
are currently only proof-of-concept examples). The main hook re.
specific websites from an info service is is:info_service, which
associates an is:InfoService instance to a foaf:Document instance (a
website link).
Furthermore, I defined some is:InfoService individuals, especially
is:musicbrainz [3] as proof-of-concept example. Therefore, I used also
some category definitions from DBpedia.

Please feel to add comments, critics and suggestions re. which
properties might useful for describing an info service.

Planned extensions are:
- enabling multiple info service quality ratings, e.g. by using [4]
- defining a is:recommendation property
- maybe extending the domain of is:info_service to owl:Thing to enabling
info service associations from data entities different from
foaf:Document this means all data such an info service can provide, e.g.
semantic graphs
- add further information service quality properties, this should maybe
done in another sub ontology, because rating information quality could
be somehow complex and be realized on different levels of complexity

With this property (is:info_service as relation to an info service
description) it should be possible, e.g. to enable users the opportunity
to choose their preferred info services as data sources for their
knowledge base by selecting the different properties of such an info
I currently working on my Master-like thesis, which has the topic
"Semantic Federation of Musical and Music Related Information for
Establishing a Personal Music Knowledge Base". One concern is that the
user should be able to select music info services of their choice or the
application will choose the data sources automatically through
evaluating the user profile and comparing it with the info service

That's all for the moment ;)



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