(cc: list trimmed to LOD list.)

On Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 7:05 PM, Kingsley Idehen <kide...@openlinksw.com> wrote:

> Cut long story short.


> We have an EAV graph model, URIs, triples and a variety of data
> representation mechanisms. N3 is one of those, and its basically the
> foundation that bootstrapped the House of HTTP based Linked Data.

I have trouble believing that last point, so hopefully I am
misunderstanding your point.

Linked data in the public Web was bootstrapped using standard RDF,
serialized primarily in RDF/XML, and initially deployed mostly by
virtue of people enthusiastically publishing 'FOAF files' in the
(RDF)Web. These files, for better or worse, were overwhelmingly in

When TimBL wrote http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/LinkedData.html in
2006 he used what is retrospectively known as Notation 2, not its
successor Notation 3.

"Notation2"[*] was an unstriped XML syntax ( see original in
). That DesignIssues note was largely a response to the FOAF
"This linking system was very successful, forming a  growing social
network, and dominating, in 2006, the linked data available on the

The LinkedData design note argued that (post RDFCore cleanup and
http-range discussions) we could now use URIs for non-Web things, and
that this would be easier than dealing with bNode-heavy data. Much of
the subsequent successes come from following that advice. Perhaps N3
played an educational role in showing that RDF had other
representations; but by then, SPARQL, NTriples etc were also around.
As was RDFa, http://xtech06.usefulinc.com/schedule/paper/58  ...

I have a hard time seeing N3 as the foundation that bootstrapped
things. Most of the substantial linked RDF in Web by 2006 was written
in RDF/XML, and by then the substantive issues around linking,
reference, aggregation, identification and linking etc were pretty
well understood. I don't dislike N3; it was a good technology testbed
and gave us the foundation for SPARQL's syntax, and for the Turtle
subset. But it's role outside our immediate community has been pretty
limited in my experience.



[*] http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/Syntax.html

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