
before you get too depressed with all this negativity ..... I'd just like to say that I for one think that this is a *great* idea and a very good use of EU project resources. Getting out there and helping to kick start more institutions to LoD is definitely the way to go with your project.

Good Luck!

and please keep me posted on results



On 7 Oct 2010, at 16:45, Georgi Kobilarov wrote:

Hi Michael,

Insofar PUBLINK rather clears the way for commercial linked data
service providers.

By doing what? Which bits does publink do and which bits are left to the
commercial sector?

From the lines above it aims to help "people in organizations who want to persuade their decision makers" or persuade decision makers in general

Personally I think if that's the intention it's good. I know where to find
with data modelling, hosting, data consolidation, existing ontologies,
negotiation etc etc. But I don't know where to go for help translating
developer understanding to business understanding

The intention is good, I agree, but centralizing all of the work into just
one consortium isn't. One research consortium as the new linked data
monopolist, that's not the message to send out into the world.

Plus, in my opinion there is little of a business model in publishing data in itself. There can only be a business model in having other people use
data, for which publishing is one necessity of course.

So the showcases for the business will be on the data consumption side, and these demos should be developed by people who know how to build demos and
showcases. "Persuading" a few more data publishers won't change the
landscape, so I'd much rather see that money go into e.g. developer/ design
competitions like the Sunlight Foundation is doing in the US.



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