Hi Toby!

For your information, the term "EON" is also used as the acronym of the
"International Workshop on Evaluation of Ontology-based Tools", an (almost-)
yearly event that exists since 2002. See [1] for the proceedings of the
first EON workshop. It would probably not be advisable to reuse the acronym
for something else in the Semantic Web context.


[1] http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-62/

>-----Original Message-----
>From: semantic-web-requ...@w3.org [mailto:semantic-web-requ...@w3.org]
>On Behalf Of Toby Inkster
>Sent: Sunday, November 07, 2010 12:43 AM
>To: public-lod@w3.org; semantic-...@w3.org
>Subject: Fw: [foaf-dev] EON - event of note
>Begin forwarded message...
>Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2010 00:32:50 +0000
>From: Toby Inkster <t...@g5n.co.uk>
>To: foaf-dev <foaf-...@lists.foaf-project.org>
>Subject: [foaf-dev] EON - event of note
>Let's do a bit of collaborative work to flesh out a FOAF-like
>lightweight vocabulary for describing events, suitable for embedding in
>RDFa to describe concerts, conferences, birthdays, anniversaries,
>national holidays and so on.
>Sure, we have the iCalendar RDF vocab, but I've come to the conclusion
>that that's more suited to representing calendar entries - not the
>events themselves.
>I'm thinking of a simple set of extensions for Yves Raimond's Event
>Let's kickstart this with the class eon:Event which would be a trivial
>subclass of <http://purl.org/NET/c4dm/event.owl#Event>.
>Here's a sketch of how an event might look in Turtle:
>       <#this>
>               a eon:Event ;
>               foaf:name "Lewes Bonfire" ;
>               foaf:page <http://www.lewesbonfirecouncil.org.uk/> ;
>               eon:date "2010-11-05"^^xsd:date ;
>               eon:location [
>                       foaf:name "Lewes" ;
>                       foaf:page wikipedia:Lewes
>                       ] .
>Properties that I think should be included:
>* eon:start and eon:end - which can be xsd:dateTime or xsd:date (if the
>  latter, then the event starts/ends at an unspecified time on that day)
>* eon:date - a subproperty of both eon:start and eon:end with range
>  xsd:date.
>* eon:location - range geo:SpatialThing
>Probably need an attendee property and an organizer/participant
>property. Maybe eon:cost, eon:details, eon:bookings.
>I've placed a sketch on my data wiki <http://wiki.ontologi.es/>. Feel
>free to edit; and add yourself as a foaf:maker if you do!
>Toby A Inkster

Dipl.-Inform. Michael Schneider
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