An on a related topic and the reason why doing cancer informatics is so 
exciting in this area: a happy story where exploring data patterns enabled 
curing a cancer which had a 4-5% survival chance -

On Jul 19, 2012, at 7:41 PM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:

> On 17 July 2012 22:27, Nathan <> wrote:
> Can you open this right up for everybody to be involved?
> I know I for one would be happy to invest free time to looking at these 
> datasets to find patterns - are they open and available online, any pointers 
> to get started, anything at all that would enable me (and hopefully others 
> skilled here) to work on this?
> It sounds like less of a "position" and more of a global need we who can 
> should all be pumping time in to.
> Maybe related:
> 15-Year-Old Maker Astronomically Improves Pancreatic Cancer Test
> He gleaned information on the topic from his “good friend Google,” and began 
> his research. Yes, he even got in trouble in his science class for reading 
> articles on carbon nanotubes instead of doing his classwork. When Andraka had 
> solidified ideas for his novel paper sensor, he wrote out his procedure, 
> timeline, and budget, and emailed 200 professors at research institutes. He 
> got 199 rejections and one acceptance from Johns Hopkins: “If you send out 
> enough emails, someone’s going to say yes.”
> Best,
> Nathan
> Helena Deus wrote:
> Dear all, 
> We have an exciting research assistant position open at DERI for a chance to 
> work with Cancer Informatics! We are looking for an enthusiastic developer 
> who is familiar with bioinformatics concepts. Your role will be exploring 
> cancer related datasets and looking for pattern (applying, for example, 
> machine learning techniques) that can be used for personalized medicine. 
> Please don't hesitate to Fw. this to whomever you think might be interested. 
> To apply or to ask for more information, please reply to me 
> ( with CV + motivation letter 
> Kind regards, Helena F. Deus, PhD
> Digital Enterprise Research Institute

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