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UK Ontology Network meeting: Call for Highlights: Deadline 23rd February 2014


Dear All,

We are pleased to announce the Third UK Ontology Network meetings
(#ukon2014) will take place on Thursday April 24th, 2014 at Aston
University, Birmingham. The aims of this meeting are as follows:
- To enable dissemination of ontology relevant work from across
multiple disciplines
- To encourage collaboration and cooperation between different members
of UK organisations working in this area
- To help establish a research agenda in ontology and better
communication with funding councils and industry needs

We encourage attendance from those working in both public and private
sector, academic and industrial, research and applied work and from
across all fields including, but not limited to:
- Natural sciences
- Computational and mathematical sciences, including logics
- Social sciences
- Humanities such as language
- Applied sciences, such as health, engineering and environment

We invite short abstracts for **highlights** (short talks) lasting no
more 5 minutes. Title plus 50 words approximately.
There is no obligation to be novel, and talks should not be too dry or deep.
Abstracts should be submitted via Easychair no later than 23rd February 2014.
Attendees should feel free to bring posters and/or demos to the
workshop as well. Please mention this in the abstract due to space
This is an opportunity to re-present work already presented or
published elsewhere.
The main review criteria are relevance and balance across the topics
of interest to the UKON community.
Easychair link: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ukont2014

Although this is a UK-centric network, we encourage participation from
those in Europe and across the world.
Registration details will follow.

Deadline for submissions: 23rd February, 2014
Notifications: 5th March, 2014
Workshop day: 24th April, 2014

Dr. Christopher Brewster, Aston University
Professor Robert Stevens, University of Manchester
Dr. Monika Solanki, Aston University
Dr. James Malone, EBI

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