Dear SemWeb developer,

This is your chance to show your work to the world!

There are 6 ways in which you can participate
in the official ISWC2014 Developers Workshop:

1. You can submit a 4–6 page development paper
    to tell us about SemWeb software you've written.

2. You can submit a short 1–2 page abstract
    about your development work.

3. Do you have a cool demo? Show it to us!

4. Your GitHub or other repositories with SemWeb code
    are totally welcome. We're curious to see them.

5. Start a discussion: write a few lines about a topic of choice.

6. Do you have something else you'd like to show?
    Just send it in!

Contribute to the SemDev community and submit
at before 20 July 2014.

The workshop is in Trentino, Italy on 19/20 October 2014.
Find out more at

…and don't hesitate to contact me with your ideas!


ISWC 2014 Developers Workshop chair

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