Hi Kingsley,

> The issues arise from the conclusions.

But I don't really see issues on Vapour. Where did you find them?

> Basically, the denotation (name) aspect of the term isn't associated with its 
> connotation (description document), via a discernible RDF relation.

Yes it is:

    dcterms:subject <http://data.mmlab.be/people/Anastasia+Dimou>.

> Hence output such as:
> <http://data.mmlab.be/mmlab?subject=http%3A%2F%2Fdata.mmlab.be%2Fpeople%2FAnastasia%2BDimou>
>  denotes a Web document bearing JSON-LD content.

No, it denotes a Web document; one of its possible representations is in 
JSON-LD format, but there are others (HTML, Turtle).

> ## Assuming the document describes a single term
> <http://data.mmlab.be/mmlab?subject=http%3A%2F%2Fdata.mmlab.be%2Fpeople%2FAnastasia%2BDimou>
> foaf:primaryTopic <http://data.mmlab.be/people/Anastasia+Dimou> .

Is dcterms:subject enough?



> [2] http://linkeddata.uriburner.com/c/9DQHQJ4L - actual description of 
> Anastasia Dimou

Since when does my colleague have a stylesheet? ;-)

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