John, Kingsley,

I wrote: 
>>> OK, I can understand that. Does that mean that if I have under the same URI
>>> serve different representations (e. g. rdf/xml, turtle and xhtml+RDFa) all 
>>> those
>>> representations must return exactly the same triples, or would it be 
>>> allowed to
>>> use in the RDFa, W3C Organisation Ontology for rdf/xml and foaf
>>> when returning turtle? After all it's different descriptions of the same 
>>> resource.

John wrote:
>> My take on this is each representation (with negotiation only on format via
>> HTTP Accept header) *should* contain the same set of RDF statements
>> (triples).
>> Also one could define a different URL for each representation which can be
>> linked to with Content-Location in the HTTP headers.
>> We’re you to introduce an additional (orthogonal) way to negotiate a certain
>> profile, this would be orthogonal to the format. Following on from above, one
>> could then have a separate URL for each format-profile combination.

Kingsley wrote:

> Yes.
> For the sake of additional clarity, how about speaking about documents and
> content-types rather than "representation" which does inevitably conflate key
> subtleties, in regards to RDF (Language, Notations, and Serialization 
> Formats)?

The terminology is fine with me, as long as we don't forget the entities we 

So to repeat my question in another mail: I have an entity described by a 
(generic) URI. Then I have three groups of documents describing that entity, 
the first uses, the second group uses org ontology and the third 
uses foaf. All documents are available as RDF/XML, Turtle and xhtml+RDFa. How 
does a client that knows only the generic URI for the resource tell the server 
that it prefers foaf in turtle and what does the server answer?



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