We're pleased to announce that Virtuoso 7.2.1 is now available, and 
includes various enhancements and bug fixes. Important additions 
include new support for xsd:boolean and TIMEZONE-less DATETIME & 
xsd:dateTime; and significantly improved compatibility with the 
Jena and Sesame Frameworks.

New product features as of June 24, 2015, v7.2.1, include:

 * Virtuoso Engine
   - Added support for TIMEZONE-LESS xsd:dateTime
   - Added support for xsd:boolean
   - Added new text index functions
   - Added better handling of HTTP status codes on SPARQL graph 
     protocol endpoint
   - Added new cache for compiled regular expressions
   - Added support for expression in TOP/SKIP

   - Added support for SPARQL GROUPING SETS
   - Added support for SPARQL 1.1 EBV (Efficient Boolean Value)
   - Added support for define input:with-fallback-graph_uri 
   - Added support for define input:target-fallback-graph-uri

 * Jena & Sesame Compatibility
   - Added support for using rdf_insert_triple_c() to insert 
     BNode data
   - Added support for returning xsd:boolean as true/false 
     rather than 1/0
   - Added support for maxQueryTimeout in Sesame2 provider

 * JDBC Driver
   - Added new methods setLogFileName and getLogFileName
   - Added new attribute "logFileName" to VirtuosoDataSources for 
     logging support

 * Faceted Browser
   - Added support for emitting HTML5+Microdata instead of RDFa 
     as default HTML page
   - Added query optimizations
   - Added new footer icons to /describe page

 * Conductor and DAV
   - Added support for VAD dependency tree
   - Added support for default vdirs when creating new listeners
   - Added support for private RDF graphs
   - Added support for LDP in DAV API
   - Added option to create shared folder if not present
   - Added option to enable/disable DET graphs binding
   - Added option to set content length threshold for 
     asynchronous sponging
   - Added folder option related to .TTL redirection
   - Added functions to edit turtle files
   - Added popup dialog to search for unknown prefixes
   - Added registry option to add missing prefixes for .TTL files

More details of the additions, fixes, and other changes in this 
update of both Open Source and Commercial Editions, may be found 
here --


Additional Information: 

* Virtuoso Commercial Edition

 - Home Page

 - Download Page

* Virtuoso Open Source Edition 

 - Development Branch

 - Stable Branch

A: Yes.                          http://www.idallen.com/topposting.html
| Q: Are you sure?           
| | A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
| | | Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?

Ted Thibodeau, Jr.           //               voice +1-781-273-0900 x32
Senior Support & Evangelism  //        mailto:tthibod...@openlinksw.com
                            //              http://twitter.com/TallTed
OpenLink Software, Inc.      //              http://www.openlinksw.com/
        10 Burlington Mall Road, Suite 265, Burlington MA 01803
    Weblog   -- http://www.openlinksw.com/blogs/
    LinkedIn -- http://www.linkedin.com/company/openlink-software/
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Universal Data Access, Integration, and Management Technology Providers

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