Hi Silvio,

Nice work: this could be handy.  I have a couple of questions/comments:

1. I assume the machine formats are accessible by content negotiation? It might be handy to also include direct links on the web page. For example, I found I could change the .html suffix to .ttl or .json to get alternative representations, but that required guesswork on my part.

2. Are there any plans (and resources) in place to ensure longevity of the sparontologies.net domain?

3. I note that the HTML page indicates cc-by licensing of the content, but there is no such information in the machine readable formats.


On 04/11/2015 23:21, Silvio Peroni wrote:
Dear friends,

We are pleased to announce a new LOD dataset


that makes available media types defined as proper resources in RDF, according 
to the SPAR Ontologies [1] and DCTerms [2].

A media type is an identifier (for example "text/turtle") for file formats on the Internet composed 
by two parts: a registry ("text" in the example) and a record ("turtle" in the example). 
They are handled by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), which is the official authority for the 
standardisation and publication of these classifications.

The aforementioned web space, part of the SPAR Ontologies website, has been reserved for providing the RDF 
representation of each media type defined by IANA [3]. In particular, a media type is accessible by 
concatenating the URL "http://www.sparontologies.net/mediatype/"; with its related identifier. For 
instance, "http://www.sparontologies.net/mediatype/text/turtle"; allows one to access the specific 
resource for the "text/turtle" media type.

Each media type can be accompanied by agents who acted as contributors, the 
related RFC documents documenting it, its current status (either official, 
deprecated or obsoleted), and direct links to Wikipedia pages and DBpedia 
resources related with the media type.

All these resources defining media types, thus, can be used for specifying 
particular formats (e.g., by means of the DCTerms property dcterms:format) that 
a certain entity, such as a book or a dataset, can have.

Please do not hesitate to contact us (sparontolog...@gmail.com) for questions 
and additional information about this LOD dataset.

Have a nice day :-)


1. http://www.sparontologies.net
2. http://dublincore.org/documents/dcmi-terms/
3. http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xml

Silvio Peroni, Ph.D.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Bologna, Bologna (Italy)
Tel: +39 051 2094871
E-mail: silvio.per...@unibo.it
Web: http://www.essepuntato.it
Twitter: essepuntato

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