In our work on BIRNLex - and even more so in the work the OBI group has been doing, as well as work from the GO Consortium and the NCI Thesaurus - an effort to define a set of AnnotationProperties to handle versioning in the TBox is being assembled and put to use.
[VK] It will be great if you could post a list of these properties on the BIONT wiki? I'm not at all certain what versioning means in the ABox apart from the sort of versioning one would apply to all identified resources such as that provided via LSID, which as we all know here has its pros and cons. [VK] I am of the opinion that ABox versioning isn't required if your domain model is rich enough and models state and time appropriately ... ---Vipul THE INFORMATION TRANSMITTED IN THIS ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PERSON OR ENTITY TO WHOM IT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIN CONFIDENTIAL AND/OR PRIVILEGED MATERIAL. ANY REVIEW, RETRANSMISSION, DISSEMINATION OR OTHER USE OF OR TAKING OF ANY ACTION IN RELIANCE UPON, THIS INFORMATION BY PERSONS OR ENTITIES OTHER THAN THE INTENDED RECIPIENT IS PROHIBITED. IF YOU RECEIVED THIS INFORMATION IN ERROR, PLEASE CONTACT THE SENDER AND THE PRIVACY OFFICER, AND PROPERLY DISPOSE OF THIS INFORMATION.