On the Java side, parsing and encoding of FHIR primitives into XML is all
hand rolled, so no xs:decimal. I'm not sure what the concern is, but if
there are any specific areas of concern I'm always hunting for new unit


On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 2:15 AM, Paul A. Knapp <pkn...@pknapp.com> wrote:

> Are either the Java or C# implementations using standard xml frameworks?
> Ones which would implement xs:decimal? (I think that is the concern.)
> Paul
> At 08:55 PM 2015-08-03, David Booth wrote:
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
> Regarding the above action, and last week's discussion of xsd:decimal,
> Lloyd reports: "Java uses BigDecimal - so full retention of precision. C#
> uses decimal, which also retains precision."
> David Booth
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