Hi Team,

Sorry for the delay....the minutes and link to meeting recording for the May 26th meeting of the standard sub-team of the PDDI Info Model Task Force are pasted below.

Kind regards, -R

   Minutes for 5/26/2016 (Standard subgroup)

In Attendance: Asiyah Yu Lin, Brian LeBaron, Oya Beyan, Jodi Schneider, Xia Jing, Michael Miller, Maria Herrero, Michel Dumontier, Oliver He, Daniela Oliveira, Ratnesh Sahay, Richard Boyce, Louisa Zhang, Elizabeth Garcia

Meeting recording: http://goo.gl/Nv1Y6l





   Update from the Content sub-team meeting


       Selecting drugs:  Goal is to choose interesting drugs that will
       be the focus of developing decision trees


       Connecting clinical consequences, evidence, etc.


       More than halfway done in terms of information categories


       Information category discussion:  importance in identifying gaps
       in knowledge


           Frequency of exposure, adverse events:  needs clarification


           Mechanism not known:  discussion about relevance


       Some decision trees have been created


       Will also be getting engaged with stakeholder descriptions


   Discussing progress on stakeholder descriptions


       Drug Compendium Editor


           Discussion:  ”editor” or “editorial process” is fitting, but
           multiple different roles are present


           Diversity of potential user stories; e.g., clinical experts,
           medical librarians, people who do the publishing/design end,
           knowledge engineering and database and structuring end


       Action Items


           Instead of Drug Compendium Editor:  rename to  “Drug
           Information Editorial Board”


           Add a user story about search from the perspective of a
           Librarian:  focusing on synthesis of information


           Add a user story about Clinical Knowledge Engineer:  bridge
           between the clinical information and how that gets represented


   User-Centered Definitions


       “Clinical consequences” Qualtrics sent out


       Comments under review; follow-up pending


   Scope of Ontology Development and Related Efforts


       Oya and Michael discussed minimum information model including
       MIAME and what has been done in other domains


           MIAME <http://fged.org/projects/miame/>and mimics are
           minimum information models;MAGE-ML


               Minimal model of what’s required to be in the document,
               without specifying what needs to be in the model


               1 – what you must include (in English)


                   Using the MAGE object model (XML DTD), someone could
                   include all of the information needed


               2 – providing a way of actually encoding and exchanging it


                   Java and PURL could take the information and
                   represent it


       W3C interest note
       PDDI’s corollary to MIAME, describing the elements of the model


           Introductory document with user stories, clinical descriptions


           The clinical definitions may change as we go through the process


           Creating deliverables – object model that makes it clear how
           to include the concept set of what to capture about drugs


               W3C note as more human-readable description


           Knowledge Representation Core Considerations:


               Participation from sub-group (Matthias, Michal, Oya)


               Organizing into a document form that will be how we
               build things moving forward


       Balancing the need for vocabularies/ontologies with the use of
       free text


           Model may be used by developers who develop clinical
           decision support systems; requirements for natural language
           processing if free text is used


           Meetings so far have developed scope and definitions,
           evolving toward schema development


       Computable components of info model


           Essential elements = 8 categories, more or less


               User-centered definitions, ontology definitions


               Do not want to restrict the way that drug concepts and
               health info concepts are represented


               Just need to code a drug (clinical drug level, or
               ingredient level, with formulation, rather than just at
               class level)


               No current opportunity to structure alerts this way


   Next Steps


       Qualtrics survey:  Clinical roles stakeholder descriptions and
       user stories


           Will be sent before Memorial Day weekend


           1-2 more surveys before the next Standards sub-team meeting


       Discuss Asiyah’s email to the group


       Knowledge Representation Core Considerations (Matthias, Oya,


           Oya and Michael will work on edits


       All team meeting


           Use case:  Medication reconciliation (another team)


           Will proceed to schedule and see if we can coordinate with them

Richard D Boyce, PhD
Assistant Professor of Biomedical Informatics
Faculty, Center for Pharmaceutical Policy and Prescribing
Faculty, Geriatric Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Gero-Informatics Research and 
Training Program
University of Pittsburgh
Office: 412-648-9219
Twitter: @bhaapgh

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