On Sat, 24 Jun 2006 11:17:08 +0200, Cameron McCormack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Based on discussion by Maciej, Ian and Björn I propose the following for
the two mousewheel events we want to introduce based on the discussion
during the SF F2F.

It probably needs some editorial work, but it should be mostly complete.

Cool.  Presumably the default action of the mousewheel event is to do
the scrolling or whatever would normally happen.  If the mousemultiwheel
event is cancelled, does this stop the other axis scrolling that would

Perhaps this should have been more clear in the draft. The default action of the mousemultiwheel when wheelDeltaY is non-zero is to dispatch a mousewheel event. Besides it's normal default action to scroll, zoom, whatever you have configured it too.

If mousemultiwheel is cancelled all default actions won't happen.

The default action of the mousewheel event is to scroll, zoom, whatever in vertical direction.

If mousewheel is cancelled it's default action won't happen.

Anne van Kesteren

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