Hi, Ian-

Ian Hickson wrote (on 5/27/08 8:44 PM):
On Tue, 27 May 2008, Doug Schepers wrote:

I believe that "origin" can be defined in the Window Object specification, one of this WG's explicit deliverables.

"Objects implementing the Window interface must provide an XMLHttpRequest() constructor."

Again, see Window Object spec.

Um, if we're going to be moving the references away from HTML5, could we at least move them to specs that have a chance of actually getting maintained sometime this decade?

Obviously, we would only move references if there were a spec that adequately covers the necessary material. If the Window Object spec is not taken up, then clearly it would be inappropriate.

We have discussed adding consideration for "event handler DOM attribute" in the DOM3 Events spec, such that a host language can define what that means in its context

That would be great, I'd love to offload this part of HTML5. Do you have a plan for how to resolve the dependency between event handler DOM attribute processing and the designMode DOM attribute? Also, please remember to deal with the mouseover event's quirk when doing this.

(This seems like a sarcastic and combative reply, for no good reason.)

Perhaps I misunderstood the issue. My impression was that Anne was referring to the definition for the "onfoo" event handlers, as stated in the HTML 5.0 spec:

"Event handler DOM attributes, on setting, must set the corresponding event handler attribute to their new value, and on getting, must return whatever the current value of the corresponding event handler attribute is (possibly null)." [1]

We had discussed, in the DOM3 Events telcons, that we might define the general mechanism for "onfoo" attributes, and their relationship to named events, addEventListener, et al. A host language, such as HTML or SVG, would define the specific event handler attributes appropriate to that language, and provide details about the event. The host language would also cover the particulars of the quirks you mention (so, sorry, but you're stuck with that task).

Are you saying that this is not a useful addition to DOM3 Events? Or that you don't think that this adequately covers what is needed for XHR (which seems only to require a definition, from my reading)?

I'm interested to hear your feedback on what would be useful for the DOM3 Events spec to say on the matter, beyond (on in contradiction to) what I have already described as the intent.

[1] http://www.w3.org/html/wg/html5/#event4

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG, CDF, and WebAPI

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