I'd really rather not add more stuff to HTML5, it's too big as it is. Ideally worker threads is something that we can nail down in a pretty short period of time, before HTML5 is out (targeted a few years into the future iirc).

Like you say, some features from HTML5 should be exposed in the context of worker threads. I don't really know how to handle that, but I can see two ways:

1. Make a informative note stating a list of features that we expect will be made available once there is a finished spec for them, but leave it up to the HTML5 spec to actually explicitly make this requirement.

2. Have a normative requirement that implementations that also support feature X from HTML5, makes that implementation available to the worker thread as well.

I am ok with the spec either being in HTML5 or standalone, but we have to realize that if it is a separate spec, it will have dependencies on HTML5. For XMLHttpRequest this has turned out to be controversial, so we should make this clear up front.

Agreed. I think we need to find a solution for this dependency both for XHR and for threads, and probably for other specs in the future.

I listed two proposals above that might work for the threads spec.

/ Jonas

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