The minutes from the June 26 Widgets voice conference are available at the following and copied below:


WG Members - if you have any comments, corrections, etc., please send them to the public-webapps mail list before July 14; otherwise the minutes will be considered approved.

-Regards, Art Barstow



                               - DRAFT -

                       Widgets Voice Conference

26 Jun 2008


[2] 2008AprJun/0010.html

   See also: [3]IRC log



          Art, Marcos, Josh

          Arve, Mike




     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]Review Agenda
         2. [6]Announcements
         3. [7]Meeting Logistics and Agenda
         4. [8]Comments on the Requirements LC doc
         5. [9]Josh's Short Intro
         6. [10]Open Actions
         7. [11]Digital Signature
         8. [12]AOB
     * [13]Summary of Action Items

   Date: 26 June 2008

   <scribe> Scribe: Art

   <scribe> ScribeNick: ArtB

Review Agenda

   <scribe> Agenda:

[14] 2008AprJun/0010.html

   AB: any change requests?
   ... I'd like to add to the agenda a discussion about the Widgets
   agenda being public or not
   ... any objections?

   MC: no

   JS: no


   AB: any annoucements?
   ... no meeting July 3 or July 10
   ... when do you return from the UK, Marcos

   MC: late July

   JS: I'll be out the last week of July and then in October

Meeting Logistics and Agenda

   MC: why is this meeting being done in a member confidential channel?

   AB: good question
   ... because I'm lazy
   ... it's a lot easier for me as the Scribe for us to use a
   member-only channel that makes it easy to remove any
   Member-only/confidential discussions that may arrive
   ... If no such discussions occur, then 100% of the IRC log becomes
   the Public minutes
   ... any objections to the Agenda being sent on the Public-Webapps
   mail list?
   ... that's OK with me

   JS: OK with me

   MC: OK with me

   <scribe> ACTION: barstow propose all future Widget agendas be Public
   and give the WG two weeks to discuss/object [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-188 - Propose all future Widget agendas be
   Public and give the WG two weeks to discuss/object [on Arthur
   Barstow - due 2008-07-03].

Comments on the Requirements LC doc

   AB: thanks Marcos for getting this out!

   JS: I sent Marcos comments already
   ... I sent him some additional comments
   ... I still have some more comments to submit

   AB: Marcos, anything you want to discuss?

   MC: it's hard to discuss some of the issues without Arve being
   ... e.g. he proposed the Security Model
   ... we also need to have Thomas present for any detailed discussions
   about Dig Signatures
   ... Josh raised some good issues that we need to discuss
   ... thanks for sending the comments!

   AB: an action for me, really to make sure we get the right people on
   the calls re Dig Sig and Security
   ... We should also try to get Thomas to attend the Turin meeting

   <scribe> ACTION: Barstow invite Thomas to the Turin meeting re Dig
   Sig and Security [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-189 - Invite Thomas to the Turin meeting
   re Dig Sig and Security [on Arthur Barstow - due 2008-07-03].

   AB: can you describe the Tracker your using for LC comments, Marcos?

   MC: it's a simple system and addresses many of my requirements

   ... nice, I see Marcos is already using it
   ... I like the consistency we can get if everyone uses it
   ... the only issue I see is the data is Member-confidential

[17] widgets-reqs-20080625

   MC: that's more of an annoyance then a concern
   ... If people want the data Public, I can do it in a text file
   ... or if it has a report generator that creates a text format that
   would be good

Josh's Short Intro

   JS: I've been with Mozilla for about eight years
   ... working on a bunch of different things
   ... I've also worked in Security and mobile content
   ... I currently work on Nokia's Internet Tablet product
   ... WRT WebApps, I'm mainly interested in the Widgets work

   AB: it's good to get some "new eyes" looking at our specs

   MC: yes, it's really helpful

   <scribe> ACTION: Barstow talk to Yahoo!'s AC rep about joining
   WebApps and participating in the Widgets work [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-190 - Talk to Yahoo!'s AC rep about
   joining WebApps and participating in the Widgets work [on Arthur
   Barstow - due 2008-07-03].

Open Actions

   AB: [19]


   <scribe> ACTION: Barstow close Issue #17 - we will include Auto
   Updates in v1.0 [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-191 - Close Issue #17 - we will include
   Auto Updates in v1.0 [on Arthur Barstow - due 2008-07-03].

   AB: Action #24 - [21]
   ... we need to define some type of extension mechanism


   JS: yes, this is important

   MC: I sent a proposal but it didn't get much support

   <scribe> ACTION: Barstow close #24 and re-open a new issue that
   emphasizes the issue raised in
   12.html [recorded in

[22] 2008AprJun/0312.html

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-192 - Close #24 and re-open a new issue
   that emphasizes the issue raised in
   12.html [on Arthur Barstow - due 2008-07-03].

[24] 2008AprJun/0312.html

   MC: I can close Action #122

   AB: it would to close as many of these as possible to minimize the
   number that need to copied to WebApps

   MC: we can close #139 but should check with Charles first

   AB: I will close #140 after I ask WSC WG to review the LC doc
   ... what about #143?

   MC: I recommend we close #143

   AB: OK with me

   JS: me too

   <marcos> MC: closed 187

   MC: OK, I'll close it

   <marcos> MC: closed 185

   JS: 19 Dec 2007, Art said he would ask Nokia for a widget security
   model - part of Action #144

   AB: I'm sure I asked for it
   ... but I didn't get anything I could share with the public

Digital Signature

   JS: did you Art make any progress on Action #183
   [25] - Investigate
   Java model for multiple signatures


   AB: yes, I got some info
   ... In MIDP 2.1, only one signature is allowed in a JAR file
   ... MIDP 3.0, a JAR can contain multiple signatures

   MC: we need to raise an issue on this then
   ... we need to know "how many signatures to support?"
   ... I think we were moving to supporting multiple

   JS: multiple sigs can be useful when certs come from multiple

   MC: a question is whether the signature is signed or the contents is
   signed more than once

   AB: Certificate chaining is supported and deployed widely, I think
   any signature specification including the widgets signing spec
   should support it.

   MC: we are doing that now

   AB: Multiple signing is more uncommon. In MIDP, multiple signatures
   are "parallel" i.e. every signer signs the content independently,
   signers do not sign each other's signatures

   MC: we don't have a solution for either of these at the moment

   AB: where is "certificate chaining" defined?

   MC: XML Signature spec defines it
   ... it would be good to outline the major use cases in the Dig Sig
   ... I can create those use cases

   JS: I can contribute; this document is important
   ... and I will submit comments on it
   ... what is the plan for Dig Sig spec?

   MC: the core validation stuff needs to fleshed out
   ... Getting the core done is most important
   ... I will try to coordinate working with Josh


   MC: I plan to focus on Auto Updates next week
   ... want to get that published soon-ish
   ... certainly before the f2f in Turin
   ... I'm concerned about the Security spec and the API spec

   AB: I'll be on vacation the next two weeks. Return to the Inbox on
   July 14.

   <marcos> MC: Will be on Vacation on 5-10th

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: Barstow close #24 and re-open a new issue that
   emphasizes the issue raised in
   12.html [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Barstow close Issue #17 - we will include Auto Updates
   in v1.0 [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Barstow invite Thomas to the Turin meeting re Dig Sig
   and Security [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: barstow propose all future Widget agendas be Public
   and give the WG two weeks to discuss/object [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Barstow talk to Yahoo!'s AC rep about joining WebApps
   and participating in the Widgets work [recorded in

[26] 2008AprJun/0312.html

   [End of minutes]

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