Moving to public-webapps from public-webapi. See original thread here.

João Eiras wrote:
 if (document.querySelector) {
   // Supported
 } else {
   // Not suported

Too bad that only works with ecmascript.
Such syntax is not valid in other languages.

Is there really any demand from implementers of other languages to have a feature sting defined for hasFeature()? Is there any evidence that people make use of existing feature strings in their programs, using any implementation?

Kartikaya Gupta wrote:
Ian Hickson wrote:
Kartikaya Gupta wrote:
What I think *is* inside the scope is to ensure that user-agents have some unambiguous way to state whether or not they claim to implement the specification. I think the feature string is much more reliable way to do that than checking the existence of a "querySelector" method.

Why would any browser implementor implement one and not the other?

Because they might already be using the "querySelector" method for some
completely unrelated feature.

This seems like a very unrealistic edge case, considering we went to a lot of effort to find names that didn't clash with existing features in many implementations, not only browsers.

Since I've not seen any support for this proposal from any implementers at all, and no substantial evidence that people actually make use of existing feature strings in any environment, I'm not prepared to include it at this stage.

Lachlan Hunt - Opera Software

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