On Sat, 12 Jul 2008 18:54:35 +0200, Boris Zbarsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Anne van Kesteren wrote:
What are the use cases you guys envision? All I can think of when thinking about usage of querySelector on the Web is HTML. And maybe SVG and MathML too in the near future.

Those, plus XUL, though this last is less on the Web of course.

Yeah, I certainly hope the Web does not come to depend on support for XUL!

However, none of those really requires namespace support, including when you mix them.

How do I select all the inline SVG images on the page?

   div > svg, p > svg

though it's not quite as thorough as your solution.

The obvious answer I can think of is

   :not(svg|*) > svg|svg

(with the "svg" prefix resolving to the SVG namespace), which pretty definitely requires namespace support.

On the other hand, this seems extremely complex to author and not something most authors would come up. :-) If this is the kind of scenario we're trying to get NSResolver defined for it does not be worth it.

(I realize I put it in the draft, my apologies.)

Anne van Kesteren

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