Hi, Carmelo-

We aren't using the wiki for uploading files, only for editing wiki pages. Please use the DOM3 Events CVS repository to upload files:

If you need help with that, please let me know.


Carmelo Montanez wrote (on 8/6/08 1:38 PM):

One of my action items include the submission of tests. I uploaded some test this afternoon. I am not
sure if the tests made it though though.  I keep getting the message

    *"Upload warning*

*".html"* is not a permitted file type. Permitted file types are png, gif, jpg, jpeg, pdf, txt, html, xhtml, svg, xml, rdf.
Retrieved from " http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/wiki/Special:Upload";

Even though the file is indeed a "html".  Will continue submitting tests.


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