Below is the proposed agenda for the September 18 Widgets Voice Conference (VC). Inputs and discussion on the agenda topics before the meeting is encouraged.


  Time: 07:00 Boston; 13:00 Paris; 20:00 Tokyo; 21:00 Brisbane
  Duration = 60 minutes
  Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 9231 ("WAF1")
  IRC channel = #wam;
  Confidentiality of minutes = Public


1. Review and tweak agenda

2. Announcements

3. Requirements LC#1: status of Disposition of Comments document

  Disposition of Comments for Requirements LC:
< reqs-20080625>

4. Widgets Core API and Events spec: status; what needs to be done to publish the FPWD:


5. Widgets Automatic Updates spec: status; what needs to be done to publish the FPWD:


6. Proposal to rename the Widgets specs:

< 0543.html>

7. Widgets V2/NextGen Feature list: what mechanism will we use; who wants to actively participate in the work; etc. See the following thread:

< 0043.html>

8. P&C spec: <update> death of the etag attr - please be prepared to discuss the issues raised in this thread:

< 0649.html>

7. AOB

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