Dear all,


At the last conference call I promised to give you an update on the main
points from our BONDI Architecture & Security meeting which relate to
W3C. As I have already said on previous calls, BONDI would like to be
in-line with W3C. Specifically, at a high level:


*         BONDI will require widgets to be packaged as defined by the
W3C "Widgets 1.0: Packing and Configuration" specification

*         BONDI will specify the use of the W3C "Widgets 1.0: Digital
Signature" for the signing of widgets


These agreements were made on the current working drafts of the W3C work
and also with the understanding that the W3C specifications will be
completed within the timescales required. We will continue to actively
contribute to this work to help this happen. 


We are planning the next public release of BONDI documents soon which
will reflect the points above. I will inform you all when these are
online and available to download.


If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact me.







David Rogers
OMTP Director of External Relations 


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