Stewart Brodie wrote:
1) What is the scope element for - it's only mentioned in one sentence?

That statement has now been commented out (see my previous mail [1])

2) Is an empty string actually a valid selector?  If not, then the whole
"null/undefined is an empty string" discussion is irrelevant - it's simply a
syntax error.

Selectors defines what's considered valid or invalid, and an empty string is invalid. So having the spec say to treat null and undefined as empty strings is effectively an indirect way of saying it's a syntax error.

3) Does the matching algorithm work on based on the entire tree that
contains the context node or just the sub-tree rooted at the context node? I
think this is easiest fixed by adding an example like the one in the
previous e-mail that I'm quoting and stating the expected result:

Already added (see previous mail).


Lachlan Hunt - Opera Software

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